special gratitude is addressed to my supervisor, Professor Udaya Narayana Singh,
for his guidance throughout the research.
special thanks are extended to my dissertation committee members, Professors Probal
Dasgupta and Panchanan Mohanty for their help is various ways.
am grateful to the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) for the award
of the scholarship and to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research,
Government of Sudan for granting me the study leave and financial support.
am most appreciative of the many kindness and the assistance extended to me by
Mrs. Lesely Jacob, the ICCR, Regional Director, Hyderabad and her staff.
am also extremely grateful to the Heads of the English Departments, Faculties
of Education and Arts, Khartoum and Elneelain Universities for giving the necessary
permission for carrying out the fieldwork.
wish to thank my friends Mr. Arjun Kumar, Mr. Weslely Kumar, Mr. B. Srinivas,
Mr.Wali Ahmed, Mr. Omer Algadaan, Mr. A. Appa Rao, Mr. P.V.S.R. Murthy, Mr. Anand
and Mr. Avinash for their co-operation and assistance rendered to me in many ways.
I am happy to acknowledge Mr. Gupta for having painstakingly typed the thesis
and for his invaluable and moral encouragement.