1. Name :
2. Age :
3. Sex : Male
4. Religion :
5. Marital Status : Married Unmarried
6. a. State of domicile: _____________ b. Birth Place: __________________
7. Nationality : Sudanese Foreign National
8. a) Father’s education: _____________ Father’s occupation: _____________
b) Mother’s education: ____________ Mother’s
occupation: ____________
9. Mother tongue: Arabic Others (specify) …………………….
10. Medium of instruction (at school): Arabic English
11. Other languages known:
French Germany Others(specify)………
12. Faculty / School of study:
Education Arts
13. Programme of study:
B.A. & Ed. B.A.
14. Subject of study:
English as a major subject/field
English as a minor subject/field
15. Years of study of English before University
6 Years (3 + 3)
Others (number of years)
Which of the verbs, in the two columns against the following sentences,
do you prefer to use (tick P in the appropriate
box the verb(s) you have chosen).
In the following sentences, try substituting the underlined verbal expressions
with single-word verbs (which have the same meanings):
a. They can’t put up with the increasing
of prices.
Single-word verb : ______________________
b. I have been working so hard that I’m looked
forward to a nice, relaxing vacation.
Single-word verb : ______________________
c. You can look upto a teacher who
really wants to help you and always does his or her best.
Single-word verb : ______________________
d. To lose weight, you have to cut down
on sugar and other sweet things.
Single-word verb : ______________________
In the above sentences have you found any difficulty in understanding and
substituting the underlined verbal expressions?
Yes __________ No____________ More or less _______________
When you have opportunities to talk with English speakers or to listen
to, or read material in English (such as books, movies, television, etc.), do
you use and understand the idiomatic expressions and multi-word verbs you encounter?
Yes__________ No____________ To some extent_____________
Which of the following expressions would you use when you are being introduced
to another person?
How do you do? ________________
Nice to meet you. ________________
Glad to meet you. ________________
Pleased to meet you. ________________
21. What are some very common “idiomatic expressions”
and “multi-word verbs” in your own language (Arabic)? Translate them (into English):
Idiomatic expression in Arabic :
Translation :
b) Idiomatic expression in Arabic :
Translation :
Multi-word verb in Arabic
Translation :
Multi-word verb in Arabic
Translation :
22. Which of the following problems and difficulties (Areas of errors
and mistakes) you most likely face (d) while learning “Idiomatic expressions”
and “multi-word verbs” of English: (Tick ü your choice(s)).
The use of the wrong particle and/or preposition with verb _________
Not being able to understand the multi-word verbs which are also idioms
c) Generally, problems arising from the special
nature of multi-words verbs (their
difficult structural patterns) (e.g. with pronouns), their special stress
and so on. _____________
d) Unless you know what an idiomatic expression
means you cannot, as a rule,
guess its meaning:
Every word (in the following phrase, for example, “He’s burnt his boats)
familiar enough,
but the meaning of the phrase cannot be pieced together
the meanings of its parts ______________
e) You understand every word in a text and
still fail to grasp What the text is
all about ____________________
f) You do not know whether for example,
the words fall out as used in I was
Pleased with the way things had fallen out from a unit of meaning (an idiom)
or not?
23. Do you think that “idiomatic expressions”
and “multi-word verb” are some of those areas of language where a well motivated
learner can make giant strides (quick progress) on his own if he is given the
right kind of materials to work on including vocabulary development exercises?
Yes____________ No___________ Not sure______________
Which of the following books/references are you familiar with?
a) Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms ___________________
b) Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs ___________________
c) Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Idioms ________________
d) Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Phrasal
Verbs ___________
e) Collins Dictionary of English Idioms ___________________
f) Practice with Idioms (Ronald E Feare
Do you feel uncomfortable when you encounter and use “idiomatic expressions”
and “multi-word verbs” in speech and writing?
Yes__________ No____________ To
some extent_____________
The following is a list of some statements, please denote/indicate your
opinion by giving a tick mark ( ) in
the grid against the statement.