Dimensions of Applied Linguistics

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The authors are grateful to the following for permitting to reproduce the articles that had appeared in print earlier in their journals:

To Bahri Publications Private Limited, New Delhi, for permitting to reprint the following articles:

1. "Media of Instruction in higher education in India". Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJAL). Vol.VIII, No.1. January 1982.
2. "Societal bilingualism and language teaching in India". IJAL. Vol.VI, No.2. June 1980.
3. "Language(s) in literature: A semio-linguistic approach". Language Forum. 13/1-4 : 18-36. 1987.
4. "Text-reader dynamics". In O. N. Koul (Ed.) Language, Style and Discourse. 1986.
5. "Stylistics and the teaching of poetry". IJAL. Vol.XI, No. 1. January 1985.
6. "Natural translation and translation theory". International Journal of Translation. Vol.I, No.1. 1989.

To the Managing Editor, Elsevier Science Publishers. B. V. North-Holland for permitting to reprint "A linguistic view of literacy". Journal of Pragmatics. 7(1983) 533-549, North-Holland.

To Shri L. R. Wakankar, Editor, CAL TIS-85 (Poona) for permitting to reprint "Logistics of writing". CAL TIS-85 (1985) 41-47. Poona.

To the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, for permitting to reprint "Principles and problems of lexicology and lexicography and developed in the Soviet Union". In B. G. Misra (Ed.) Lexicography in India. 1980.

R. N.Srivastava
R. S. Gupta