Evaluation in language Education

In addition to providing the specimens of the check-list and the scoring card, it may also be necessary to give a suggested format for the analysis of each lesson in the text book, the process of which would be a pre-requisite for proceeding with the evaluation. The suggested format is as follows:

The following headings are suggested for inclusion in the analysis sheet that should be used in respect of each lesson in the instructional material.

1. Title of the lesson
2. Themes
3. Concepts
4. Vocabulary
5. Grammar
6. Sentence Patterns
7. Style
8. Register
9. Form of Literature

Skills aimed at :

1. Knowledge
2. Comprehension
3. Expression
4. Appreciation
5. Critical Examination

Drills :

1. Repetition
2. Manipulation
a) Transformation
b) Fill-in the Blanks or Supply Type
c) Free Oral response
d) Learner follows oral instructions
e) Learner's involvement in Dialogues or Conversations

Exercises :

a) Objectives type
b) Short answer
c) Paragraph type
d) Guided composition
e) Free composition
f) Essay type

Illustration :
a) Amount of space allotted
b) Quality (attractive, interesting)
c) Relevance
d) Necessity
e) Suitability
f) Clarity
g) Accuracy
h) Uniformity
i) Placement

Printing mistakes :

Aims at National Goals :

The above dettails are necessary to be worked out in addition to the items listed in the check-list and the score card.