Preface |
This book is a revised version of my Ph.D. thesis submitted to the University of Mysore. In the years that followed the completion of the thesis, there were many demands for a copy of it from educated native Khazhas as well as linguists. However, I resisted the temptation of its publication with the intention of updating it.
One of the reasons for the delay in publication is that, for languages that have been sufficiently deeply studied we can be reasonably certain of its accuracy when fully substantiated examples are cited in the discussion, and the new propositions, or the newly emerging terminologies applied to support the claim can be reasonably controlled by public debate. Unfortunately, however, a less known language like Khezha, which has never been studied in any form by any linguist in the past, the data I posited were felt insufficient to substantiate my claim. It is prompt to miss accuracy despite the advertent effort I have rendered. This is so, because language, whether developed or undeveloped, is universally the same in its functional traits. It is an adaptive behavior of humans and beyond the reach of an individual researcher to explore the dept of a language to the level of one’s satisfaction. The major impairment is that, there is hardly any other scholar to bring in additional data from other sources to counter the claim and update or refine the earlier studies.
Another problem that I faced is that, there are a variety of propositions and new terminologies emerged from different sources in linguistic studies, particularly from the newly explored languages. This has become another additional burden for a writer like me who had to acquaint himself with different emerging terminologies and propositions to be suitably applied in the present work.
In spite of the advertent effort I have rendered in analyzing the data from my own intuition and also in consultation with other native speakers of Khezha, I am sure, there will still be scope to further refine the work. Whatever shortcomings I am alone responsible.