Konyak Orthography 
Next     Three attribute N phrases


            hàtƏw-ñísepu-Ə-kowƏy            hàtƏw ñísepu ƏkowƏy

            this-second-my-house                ‘this second my house’

            utƏw-lɨmsepu-y-nòk                 utƏw lɨmsepu yanòk

            that-third-her-house                   ‘that third her house’

dem-ord. num-N-(quail) adj1  :

            hàtƏw-wóksepu-lay-ƏmƏy       hàtƏw-wóksepu lay ƏmƏy

            this-sixth-book-good                   ‘this sixth good book’

            tƏw-Əwaŋ-sɨko-móŋsi             tƏw Əwaŋ sɨkomóŋsi

            that first lady angry                    ‘that first angry lady’

dem-ord. num-N-(quant) adj2  :

            hàtƏw-lɨmsepu-pa-Əyóŋ          hàtƏw lɨmsepupa Əyóŋ

            this-third-human big                   ‘this third man who is big’

dem-poss-N-(quail) adj1  :

            utƏw-tɨman-ka?-meƏŋ             utƏw tɨman ka? MeƏŋ

            that our field bad                       ‘that our bad field’

dem-poss-N-(quanti) adj2  :

            hàtƏw-Ə-nòk-ƏtƏm                 hàtƏw nòk ƏtƏm

            this-my-house-some                   ‘these my some houses’

dem-poss-N-card. Num :

            tƏw-te-nòk-lɨm                         tƏw tenòk lɨm

            that-my-house-3                        ‘that my three houses’

dem-N-(quail) adj1 – (quant) adj3  :

            utƏw-lay-ƏmeƏŋ-ƏtƏm            utƏw lay-meƏŋ ƏtƏm

            ‘that-book-bad-some                  ‘those some bad books’

dem-N-(quail) adj1-eard. Num:

            utəw-lay-əmeəŋ-lɨm                 utəw lay əmeəŋ lɨm

            that book-bad-three                   ‘those three bad books’

            hàtəw-nòk-əcuy-ñílan             hàtəw nòk əcuy ñílan

            this-house-small-two-pl              ‘these two small houses’

ord. num-poss-N-(quail) adj1:

            lɨmsepu-ə-lay-əheŋ                   lɨmsepu əlay əhéŋ

            third-my-book-white                  ‘my third white book’

            ñísepu-ya-ka?-eyóŋ                  ñísepu yaka? əyóŋ

            second-her-field-big                   ‘her second big field’

ord. num-pss-N-(quanti) adj2 :

            pɨlísepu-e-ña?-əha                    pɨlísepu əña? əha

            fourth-his-fish-small                   ‘his fourth small fish’

poss-N-(quail) adj1-(quanti) adj2  :

            ə-haha-əyóŋ-ətəm                   naha əyóŋ ətəm

            my-child-big-some                     ‘my some big children’

poss-N-(quail) adj1-card. Num :

            ə-naha-əyóŋ-cà                       naha əyóŋcà

          my-child-big-one                        ‘my one big child’     Four attribute Noun Phrases

dem-ord. num-poss-N-(quail) adj1:

            utəw-əwaŋ-ə-əlay-məy            utəw əwəŋ əlayməy

            that-first-my-book-good             ‘that first good book of mine’

            hàtəw-ñísepu-iman-pì-əməy      həw ñísepu imanpì əməy

            this-second-their-grand-father-   ‘this second their good grand father/

good                                         this second their grand father who

 is good’

dem-poss-N-(quail) adj1-(quanti) adj2:

            utəw-ne-nòk-əməy-ətəm          utəw nenòk əməy ətəm

            that-your-house-good-some        ‘those your some good houses’

dem-poss-N-(quail) adj-car. Num :

            hàtəw-te/nòk-əcuy-ñí               hàtəw tenòk əcuyñí

            this-my-house-small-two            ‘these my two small houses’


            Five and more attribute noun phrases are not possible.                  Besides the above combinations, more than one qualitative adjectives can occur with a single noun head.  Theoretically there is no limit but practically more than three qualitative adjectives do not occur in a sequence, usually.  When more than one qualitative adjectives occur, they may precede or follow (or both) the noun head.