Literacy Methodology
Models and Field Studies

New Trends in Curriculum Construction and Materials Developments for Functional Literacy*

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Traditional adult education, by and large, has been literacy-oriented - teaching adults to read and write - the mastery of a certain degree of skills. Several techniques have been evolved and used over the years in imparting these skills. Obviously the programme has not attracted the adults adequately nor convicted them of its value to their lives. Two big hurdles have dodged adult education efforts : one, the difficulty in motivating adults and second, the problem of sustaining their interest sufficiently long to help them to reach a point of no learn. Neither the content nor the method have helped in overcoming these two difficulties.

A Departure - Functional Literacy

In recent years, there has been a wider recognistion of this inadequacy of traditional literacy programme, materials and methods, and of the need to devise materials which will be related to the adult's life and vocational interests, and the day-to-day problems which he has to confront and overcome.

A major effort in this directions is represented by the Farmers' Functioanl Literacy Porgramme that has been in implementation for the last ten years. For the first time in the history of adult education in India, this represents a country-wide programme of adult education directly related to a developmental activity of vital interest both to the adult and to the nation namely, increasing agricultural production. In this programme, adult education is an integral part of a package deal consisting of training in the knowledge and know-how of modern agriculture practices, education to help the farmer to benefit continiuosly from the written word, and the development of new socio-cultural attitudes, rational approach to work and life situations, and new understandings.

The curricular materials for the farmers functional literacy programme were, therefore, developed around the package of practices required for increasing agriculture output in the selected areas where the high yielding laid stress on the various inputs necessary in making the high yield variety cultivation successful-better seeds, improved irrigation, use of fertilizers, control of pests, and the availability of credit through co-operatives and other means.

As the project progressed, it was observed that these educational materials still fell short of what really concerned the farmers most. While they understood the need and value of all the various inputs, in the process of actual operations, they came up against several difficulties and problems, and they needed help to solve them. In the functional literacy classes, they raised these issues and expected meaningful answers. The functional literacy programme, therefore, had to be oriented to help them in understanding and overcoming these difficulties. The accent on the material and inputs, to an exploration of ways of solving problems which prevented them from getting the maximum advantage from these inputs. In other words, the materials had to be problem-oriented and to be concerned with such skills, knowledge and practices which the farmer should learn to offset those physical socio-cultural values and technical competence to the developmental targets.

In response to this clearly defined need, the curricular materials should be specially oriented to these problems. The whole process of developing such materials had to be planned in five phases :

First an exploratory phase consisting of a survey to identify the problems faced
by farmers in adopting the new varieties of seeds and corresponding agricultural

Second, a Syllabus and curriculum construction phase consisting of the
identification of remedial measures to be adopted by farmers for overcoming
the problems as indicated by the survey, and the arrangement of the syllabus
based on the information, knowledge and skills necessary to implement these
remedial measures.

Third, a Material preparation phase consisting of the preparation of a first book,
posters and charts, teachers' guide and supplementary readers, based on the
above curriculum.

Fourth, an Action phase where the materials so developed were to be tried out in a
limited number of selected functional literacy classes, with the teaching and
supervisory personnel adequately trained.

Lastly, an Evaluation phase in which the suitably of the materials and their
approach would be assessed, and the socio-economic and educational impact

1. The Exploratory phase

The process began with a problem-survey. A team consisting of an agricultural expert, a rural sociologist and a linguist had to conduct a quick survey in the district to identify the crucial problems faced by farmers in the programme, the remedial measures that should be taken, and how conscious the farmers were of their problems and how prepared they were to take remedial action.

Selection and classification of problems

The next step was to select and classify the identified problems in appropriate categories and in order of their "Commonness" and "Cruciality". They were grouped under four categories : those that were :

Common and primary
Crucial and common
Less crucial and common
Non-crucial and uncommon

The problem thus identified needed a special interpretation to formulate the local objectives of the local functional literacy programme.

II. The Syllabus and Curriculum Construction Phase

Having identified the problems, the process next proceeded to identify agricultural remedial measure to be adopted by the farmers.

The problems identified and diagnosed in the first phase had now to be (a) reformulated in terms of positive remedial operations and (b) transformed into contests or units of the functional literacy syllabus.

The syllabus was then composed of different topics and was based on the following premises :

a. It should lead to the achievement of the main goal of the programme.

b. The core of each unit should be centred around an agricultural problem, task or operation.

c. It should aim not only to knowledge delivery, but also at the promotion of understanding of social and natural phenomena, development of the scientific spirit, attitudinal changes, strengthening of motivation and readiness for action.

d. It should initiate the learner into logical mathematical and scientific thinking and assimilation of new concepts and inter-relationships, reading and writing skills until he was able to enter into an autonomous process of learning and communication using the written words.

e. It should ensure close correlation between the agricultural operations and the learning content, between farming calendar and the learning schedule ; and it should represent an approach that integrated farming problems and the learning situation, theory and practices, the reading and writing skills and agricultural operations.

From the above, it would be seen that the elaboration of educational activities was based on the milieu or the environment. This milieu understandably was a complex composite organic structure combining geographical, human, economic, social and cultural factors. It was this orientations of the curriculum to the milieu in which the adult learner lived and worked that signified the fundamental methodological departure of this process from all previous efforts.

III .Material Preparation Phase

The learning teaching material prepared on the basis of this syllabus were, characterised by the following features :

a. they were based on the problems and obstacles encountered by the farmers in
cultivating a particular crop (problem identification).

b. they were oriented to help the farmers to solve the economic, agricultural and
social problems (problem solution).

c. they were formulated in an inter-disciplinary way, grouping various
pedagogical components around real problems (unit-wise organization).

d. they correspondence closely to the conditions and needs of the environment
(economical approach)

The materials were prepared in the form of units: each unit consisting of six components.

Functional components

Sentences, arithmetical expressions, drawings and work plans, analyses and demonstrations of working operations :

Rational components

formulae, arithmetical expressions, drawings, pictures, sentences conveying
mathematical and scientific concepts linked with agricultural practices :

Socio-economic components

sentences, texts, diagrams etc., conveying information about the social and
economic values and effects of development :

Instrumental components
exercise in reading, writing and calculation, all connected with the contents :

Didactic components

Mainly designed for the teacher in the form of a teachers' guide ; and

Evaluative component

consisted of tests and tools for measuring learners' achievement in the ' units '.

Presentation of Content

Each unit in the learning materials presented the technical rational and socio-economic contents in the following order :

a poster with a caption relating to an agriculture problem of working operation.

working instructions or concepts through visuals and captions related to that
operations :

working instructions with socio-economic, scientific and mathematical concepts
in written symbols related to the same operation.

analysis of words into alphabets.

fixation of reading, writing and arithmetical skills.

exercises for skill development ; and

Further exercise in these skills such as synthesis of new words and numbers,
composition, etc., for application and drill of these skills and also for testing

Special Features

All parts of the content were inter-connect and were based on needs, activities, functions and occupational concerns of the learners.

All parts of each unit were linked to the same life or work problem but from different angles in an inter-disciplinary presentation.

The material could be used both 'horizontally' and 'vertically'- the former by grouping all parts of a unit around a multi-faceted problem, and the latter by combining and linking the similar portions of different units. A system of multiple pagination was adopted to facilitate a multipurpose utilization of the material.

The teachers' guide detailed guidelines to the instructor on how to use these materials, what method to adopt, the place of group dynamics, time schedule, unit-wise treatment and evaluation tests and tools.

The validity of this ecological, environmental based approach is now being increasingly recognised and is being adopted in some adult education and functional literacy porgrammes in India. In fact, it has now come to be believed that such an approach is an essential pre-requisite before any meaningful adult education porgramme can be formulated and put on the ground. The latest application on a large scale of this problem-oriented approach to adult education porgramme was in the non-formal education programme planned for the age group 15-25.

Such an environmental based problem oriented approach obviously implies diversifications and flexibilities of the highest order. No two environments are identical in structure and characteristics, nor are the attitudes, approaches and responses of adults in difficult situations. The curriculum would therefore, need to be adopted to each situation. Ideally conceived, the teacher of each adult group should develop his own curricular materials, suited to the needs of his group, the local situation and the local operational calendar. No centrally prepared material can achieved the perfect matching of the learning needs to every milieu. But in a situation like India wherever the programme depends upon a wide variety of instructions drawn from different backgrounds with widely varying educational and pedagogical competences, such individualised materials may not be feasible. The absence of centres of research in adult education methods and teachinques also adds to this problem. A beginning will, therefore, have to be made with materials prepared at the State level with possibilities for adaptation for district variations. In the long run, however, teachers even at village level should be enabling by professional guidance and technical help to adapt these materials to their special circumstances.