
Editor's Note

Papers in this volume refer to the Seminar on "Convergence, Pidginization and Simplification with specification reference to the Indian situation" conducted during the month of March, 1981.  Total number of papers covered in this volume are 15.  The delay in taking the decision to publish this volume and delay in submitting the revised paper by some of the contributors has added further delay in the publication of this volume.

            The papers in this volume refer to the Indian situation, hence an appropriate title viz "papers in Indian Sociolinguistics" (Convergence, Pidginization, Simplification code Mixing) is given.  There are six papers on convergence, eight papers on pidgins, pidginization, creolization and simplification and one paper on code mixing.

            As considerable delay has taken place in publishing this volume due to the above mentioned reasons, it may be possible that some of the contributors of this volume might have published their papers elsewhere, since papers were presented during the seminar conducted by this Institute.

            The papers contained in this volume refer to such an area of sociolinguistics which has not caught enough attention by the Indian Linguists i.e. pidgins and Creoles.  It is hoped that this volume may generate some interest in the minds of the young Linguists to probe further in the field of pidgins and Creoles with reference to India .

            The Scholars who have presented their papers in this volume are well known Linguists with considerable experience in the area of Linguistics and Socio Linguistics.

            The Editor deeply regrets the demise of the two paper contributors of this volume viz. Dr. R.N. Srivastava and Dr. Francis Ekka.

            At the end of the volume, a specialized Bibliography has been added and it is updated as far as possible by adding a supplementary Bibliography.

            Editor hopes that Scholars in the field receive this volume as an addition in the area of Pidgins and Creoles.  



                                                                                    K.P. ARCHARYA