Structure and Function of Human Eye
The eye is a very
important organ by the use of which we acquire knowledge about our environment.
The objects around us reflect and/or emit light in our environment and with the
help of our eyes we recreate the world around us using this light. The human eye
is, indeed, an integral part and an outgrowth of our forebrain. The following
diagram gives an outline of the anatomical structure of human eye.
The light-sensitive layer of the human eye is found deeper in the body. Light
reaches this layer through a transparent cornea. Retinal receives the light and
converts it into chemical energy. The nerves are activated by the chemical energy
and they conduct the messages received to the higher regions of the brain. Retina
is an outgrowth of the forebrain and has a very complex nervous structure. There
are four main layers involved in the conduct of messages received. The pigment
epithelium has the function of secreting aqueous humour. Beneath the epithelium
is the layer or rods and cones. These are the light sensitive cells. The layer
of neurons, that is, never cells, receive the changes induced in the rods and
cones by light. The layer of neurons consists of bipolar cells, similar to the
sensory neurons that carry messages from the touch and heat receptors of the skin
and transmit them to the cells of the spinal cord or the medulla. The transmission
process is the same as in other parts of the nervous system. The messages are
initiated in one element and are transmitted or relayed to others via synapses.
As we all know, medulla is the part of the brain that is a continuation of the
spinal cord. The bipolar cells are connected with the innermost layer of neurons,
namely, the ganglion cells. The transmitted messages are carried out of the eye
through the optic nerve fibres. The optic nerve is a central tract, not simply
a nerve. It connects two regions of the nervous system, namely, the layer of bipolar
cells, and the cells of the lateral geniculate body. The geniculate body is, indeed,
a visual relay station in the rear portion of the forebrain. Some of the optic
nerve fibres separate from the mainstream and reach the mid brain centre, called
the pretectal nucleus. This nucleus is a relay centre for pupillary responses
to light.
The retina is composed of three different areas: the fovea,
the macula and the peripheral region. The fovea is in the centre of the retina.
It is, indeed, a small circular pit, where light has an almost unrestricted passage
to the light-sensitive cells. This part of the retina is employed for accurate
vision, enabling individuals to see sharply very, very small objects as well.
The eyes are directed towards the objects in such a way that their images fall
in this restricted region for accurate vision. Macula surrounds fovea. Macula
is an oval, yellow body of colour sensitive cells. The macular vision is not as
clear and sharp as foveal vision, but much clearer and sharper than the peripheral
vision. Macula vision is employed for reading and similar activities. The vision
in the peripheral region is not sharp and clear, but perception of movements is
easily carried out. Movement is exaggerated in the peripheral vision. The vision
is coarse. Strait edges, and alternate black and white bands are noticed in this
region. The optical system produces an inverted image of the visual field on the
retina and the system behaves as a convex lens. The eyes are not stationary; they
are stationary just for a fraction of a second. The eye movements may be made
under voluntary control or as reflexes. Most of the actual movements of the eyes
are carried out without ourselves being aware of such movements. These movements
are in response to movements of the head or the rest of the body, and reflex responses.
Since only fovea, which is a small portion of the retina, is generally employed
for distinct and accurate vision, the muscles that carry out adjustable movements
for accurate vision are under voluntary control. The eye movements are of three
types, namely, the irregular movements of a very high frequent nature, flicks
and slow irregular drifts. All the three movements are essential for an image
to be registered in the central nervous system. In other words, the nonstationary
nature of human eye is conditioned/governed by the underlying neurological structure
of human eye. What is most important for us is to remember that this nonstationary
nature of human eye helps identify objects as stationary and captures the movement
of objects.
The aperture in the iris, pupil, restricts the quantum of
light entering the eye. There is light reflex in the pupil. Also dilation of pupil
occurs as a result of strong physical stimuli. Dilation is generally associated
with fear and pain, Researches indicate that the dilation of the pupil may be
involved also in other psychically induced acts.
The foveal look is the
look of attention and pointed focus, one of seriousness and thoughtful look in
terms of nonverbal communication in many societies. Attentiveness is measured
or identified and associated with looks involving fovea. The looks involving macula
are generally taken for this is also associated with wakefulness. The macula look
is the look of wide eyes. The employment of peripheral regions of the eyes signifies
that the look is one of the secretive nature, performed stealthily and/or shared
between individuals in a fleeting moment. It is also a look intended to take stock
of the situation and to make secretive assessments. Further investigation in these
lines will benefit from a study of the eye in art and sculpture.
A few
evolutionary facts as regards human eye are in order just to illustrate the importance
of the functions of eyes in human communication. Vision was the latest sense to
evolve among the species. Hall (1969) suggests that there is a general relationship
between the evolutionary age of the receptor system (olfaction, hearing, smell,
touch and vision) and the amount and quality of information each of the receptor
systems conveys to the central nervous system. There is a parallel her between
the spoken and written forms of language. Spoken language was there before written
language, that is, written language is the last to evolve, but it has greater
sweep than the spoken word. Of the components of eye, the fovea was the most recently
developed part in the evolution of eye. It is found in birds and in anthropoid
apes. Clarity of vision as well as reality of vision in the sense of ability to
identify sharply the contours and colours, thus, is an ability acquired very late
in the evolutionary process of eye. As already pointed out, purposive, serious
and thoughtful looks, looks of deliberations, are associated with the quality
of looks facilitated by fovea, in nonverbal communication contexts. There appears
to be a hierarchy between the peripheral, macular and foveal visions, which ultimately
came to be associated with/assigned differential functions both in anatomically
controlled performance and socially guided performance.
The living organisms
reveal and exhibit different types of "eyes". Some "eyes"
gather and give only information that light is present or absent. The "eyes"
of some other organisms gather and give information as to the direction from which
light is coming. They may also indicate the relative intensities of light form
different directions. The "eyes" of some organisms may form images of
objects "seen" and give information about the shape of objects. The
eyes of some organisms, in addition, give information as to how far away the object
is, how fast it is moving and what colours it emits or reflects. Also note that
the "eyes" of some organisms are so developed that they specialize,
among various features, on one particular feature and excel all other organisms
in that particular feature. 'It seems nearly impossible to think of a practical
means of photoreception that has not appeared in one group or another, or in more
than one. And yet the theoretical best or the perfect eye has never been achieved.
All fall decidedly short of the ability to gather all the information that light
can convey' (Hall, 1969).
Just as there is variety in the quality of
information as regards light received and consequently the images of objects conveyed,
there is also variety found among the organisms in the part of the body used as
"eyes". In the organisms which do not have the differentiation of cell
and organ, which have only a body undivided into cells, the body as a whole may
act as the "eye". In some a light sensitive spot in the body may have
been developed. In some of these single-celled organisms, there may even be lense-like
refractive sensitive spot. In the multicelled organisms, light sensitive cells
may be scattered all over; the cells may be localized n a spot as well. The "eye"
varies in size, number, shape and position - flat plates, groves, basins, or bubblelike
vescicles. These "eyes" may be turned towards the incoming light, away
from it or be at an angle to it. The number of light sensitive cells, the layers
of these cells and the quality of functions performed by these cells may also
vary greatly. These may or may not be accompanied by light concentrating cells.
Also similar parts of the apparatus may arise in different ways in different groups.
The image forming eyes of several organisms including humans are also of different
types. Image forming eyes gather information about incoming light and also about
objects from which the light comes. Image forming eyes are found in animals with
great anatomical complexity. Image formation requires highly differentiated parts
as well as complicated activity. Furthermore, for image formation to proceed smoothly
and effectively and to be of any use to an organism, the organism needs to have
matching or near matching complexity of other functional parts as well. Structural
level of the organism and its way of life seem to have determined the emergence
and quality of image formation.
The image forming eyes also are of different
types, using different optical principles: lens, pinhole, and multiple tubes.
Some examples are the use of lens in humans, pinhole in the chambered nautilus
and the multiple tubes in flies. It is also possible that the concave reflector
optical facility may have been used in some species extinct now. Lenses can gather
light and form images but lenses might have started with the function of gathering
light only.
The importance of vision for gathering, processing and expressing
information cannot be exaggerated. Firstly, the richness of the optic nerve in
terms of the number of neurons it contains is a sure indication of the importance
the vision is given in the scheme of things. The optic nerve contains several
times as many neurons as the cochlear nerve. Also more information is gathered
vial vision than via other senses. However, not that vision does not merely consist
in "seeing" but in understanding and interpretation. Seeing, understanding
and interpretation involve not merely the process of seeing via the physical eye
but also a linkage between other sense organs on the one hand and the socially
motivated information on the other. In fact, the retinal images are converted
into images of world, governed and modulated by information from other senses
as well as social and cultural norms and interpersonal necessities of communication.
There can be indeed, a lot of distinction between the retinal image and what one
makes out of this retinal image in real world communicative contexts so much so
that the real world image could even negate and fail to see, and recognize the
existence of the image as provided by retina.
In humans, apart from the
biological functions, the eye performs several physical and social functions as
well. The eye identifies universal physical perspectives of the terrain. It is
inextricably involved in all communication processes at all levels. It gathers
information, conveys information, communicates information and also interprets
the information. In the context of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, it becomes a tool for
the use of language as well. Man identifies men and materials around him, near
and far, with the help of his eyes. He is able to move around, avoid obstacles
and danger, and he negotiates different sorts of terrain with the help of his
eyes. He is able to design and use tools, make displays and receive information
as regards emotions, etc., with the help of his eyes. His eyes gather as well
as convey information. Just as eyes convey information at the social and cultural
levels also. The eyes are regulated in their operations by social norms and language.
As Hall (1969) points out, man learns while he sees. This makes for greater adaptability
and enables him to exploit past experience.
3.2. Eye and Religion
Communication via eye plays
a very crucial role in ritual and other religious/mystic experiences. In the Hindu
pantheon of gods, Siva is endowed with three eyes, and Indra has eyes all over
his body. While the provision in the former signifies power, the provision in
the latter signifies knowledge of everything around. Vishnu's eyes are half-closed
in the sleeping posture but they are wide awake within, aware of and regulating
every object and phenomenon in all the worlds. Eyes play crucial role in the worship
of folk deities as well. In essence, study of the functions of eye in religious
and mystic practices gives us an insight into the role eye plays in nonverbal
communication in the secular, social, cultural and interpersonal levels also.
This is so because, at least in Hindu religious practices, one notices the replication
of behaviour found in secular social levels. Study of nonverbal communication
modes via eye in the religious practices also provides us with explanations for
certain nonverbal behaviour activities in the secular social levels. Furthermore
study of nonverbal behaviour in religious practices, insofar as ancient and recorded
religions are concerned, becomes a clear illustration of nonverbal behaviour studies
initiated by and based on literary and other texts.
An excellent study of
role and function of eye in religious practices is the one by Gonda (1969). This
study is text-based and presents many insights not only into the practices recorded
in the Vedas, but also into the nonverbal communication practices prescribed in
the Vedas and generally practised by priests and others over thousands of years.
Many practices continue even today at the religious level, while several others
have been absorbed into conduct in the secular social realm. Gonda's analysis
covers a large number of texts, not included or treated in any chronological order;
the analysis notes down the practices, interprets the words, phrases and sentences
involved in the framework of contexts of such words, phrases and sentences, and
brings out a long list of activities that revolved around eye and gaze. A world
view of the ancient man in India as found in the Vedas vis-a-vis nonverbal behaviour
is to interpret the texts correctly on the one hand and on the other to cull out
information to build up a coherent picture of the world view then present. In
order to achieve this purpose, Gonda takes note of information as regards the
use of other senses as well.
Gonda's study finds that, in ancient India,
the language of the eyes must have been more advanced - eye as a communicative
medium is referred to in many poems and other works of literary art. Expression
of emotion by the eyes attracts special notices in dramatic works also. At he
religious level too eyes are seen as 'a means of expressing feelings, of imposing
silence, of signifying content or satisfaction, of expressing will, love or reverence,
a means also of participating in the essence and nature of the person or object
looked at'. Eye - its glance, gaze, any meaningful contact by means of eye - plays
a role in different rites of Vedic religion. The eye, here, serves a variety of
purposes. The texts prescribe various kinds of significance. The significance
of types of looks was understood and special value was attached to correct performance.
The act of seeing is regarded as a sign of life. Eye power represents the power
of the whole person. Vedic texts reveal that ancient Indians assumed the existence
of a relation between the form of the eye and a man's character. A blood-red eye
signifies evil and is characteristic of angry and wicked people, barbarians, demons
and awesome gods. A wide eye may point to a concentration of vitality and wakefulness.
Fixation of eyes is often feared. Also the glances of heavy souled people or might
men who have the power to affect others injuriously.
Vedic rites reveal
that a conscious, directed look is an obligatory preliminary of mental contact
and psychical process. In most Indian societies people address each other looking
at one another. The man in need looks up at another to obtain a favour from him
or to enter into a friendly relation with him. This usage must have been inexistence
for very long and has been adopted in ritual attempts to achieve a similar purpose.
In the ritual sphere keeping the eyes fixed upon a person means more that politeness.
It serves to transfer the powerful purport of a text to the person who is aimed
at by the person reciting it. The effect of a destructive act in the ritual sphere
is enhanced when it is accompanied by a look directed towards the object which
must be struck.
A look is consciously regarded as a form of contact. This
is clear from the combination of "looking" and "touching".
Casting one's eyes upon a person and touching him are regarded as related activities.
The equivalence of the sight of a thing or event and other modes of direct contact
is suggested in the Vedas. The texts appear to treat the fact of looking at an
object as a mens of entering into contact with the properties of that object or
with the powers or conceptions which that object stands for. Accordingly, from
the point of view of Vedas, no essential difference between looking and touching
seems to be recognized (note that this approach is found in texts of many other
religions as well). Looking is indeed regarded as practically identical to touch
and grasping. Prajapati, the lord of offspring, is considered to be able to impregnate
women by his mere look.
Next, a combination of look and an appropriate
prescribed mantra achieves a definite effect, according to Vedic religious practices.
In the performance of marriage rites, some authorities ask the bridegroom to make
the bride look at the pole star (dhruva), the star Arundhati and the seven seers.
While looking at them, the bride is required to address them in the following
manner. "You are dhruva, firm, immovable, constant, steadfast and the pole
star. Let me be firm in the house of my husband". For Arundhati, the bride
is required to say "May I be held fast by my husband". The fixed regard
helps to transfer part of the power, which is on the strength of the names believed
to be inherent in these celestial bodies, to the young woman who is speaking.
The deliberate look cast in a ritual context has several functions. A major function
of looking in a Vedic rite is its replication role. A look in a rite may be a
replica of mythical event and thus becomes a remembrancer in Steiner's sense (Steiner,
1972). In searching for Agni one must look at the lump of clay. This lump of clay
is something which is used for making fire pans through the hollow part of an
ant-hill. The ant-bill is identified with the earth. Earth signifies all the worlds.
And gods searched for Agni in all the worlds. Thus, there is a chain of remembrances
and at the end of all abstraction is the original mythological events. In addition
to what has been listed above, a deliberate look cast in a ritual context can
bring to life in the minds of the performers of rites the original mythological
context and shower on the performers the attendant benefits of the original mythological
context. The remembrance is initiated by the deliberately cast look. By looking
intentionally at an object which a god had, in mythological times, seen or regarded
first, one becomes able to repeat a divine act of power: The man who looks at
the sacrificial butter knowing Indra's exemplary act will prosper and conquer
his enemies.
Vedic texts suggest that looking attentively or meaning
fully is not only a physical but also a psychical process. A close association
between mind and eye is revealed in the observations in Vedic texts. At the same
time, the texts also recognize the difference between mere physical sight and
understanding with the mind. The combination of eye and ear is also emphasized.
What is important is the suggestion that a gaze on an object accompanied by a
formula could result in the object acquiring that quality. Note also that the
close relation between the directed looks and formulae may lead to their interchangeability.
The ritual texts prescribe a conscious and directed look so as to enable
the spectator to derive some advantage from looking on a mighty being or event,
'to participate in its nature or essence, to be purified or raised to a higher
level of existence by being vis-a-vis with such a man or deity or by witnessing
such an event'. Belief in the beneficial results of visual contact has led to
a variety of ritual practices. One such practice is the ritual instruction to
cast a glance on the sacrificial butter. Religious instruction and initiation
are also done by the eye contact. In Saiva Siddhanta, the guru liberates his discipline
by the eye contact with the disciple.
Darsana (sight) is a very important
institution - darsana of the image of god has the purificatory and sanctifying
power. Darsana of a holy man or an eminent person has the potential to lead one
to participate in the high qualities of the exalted personage. Not only the man
but also objects belonging to him could be objects of worship by darsana. Even
if one does not participate in all the steps of worship performed in a temple,
darsana of the deity, sight of the deity, is more than adequate to have a saluatary
effect on the devotee. Darsana is to be restricted to only worthy persons. Thus,
there is the obligation to place a screen before the image of Visnu so that unworthy
persons may not see the worship while it is performed.
Visual restriction
is found in other spheres of religious import as well. The men of high rank should
not be seen eating or drinking by those in the lower social scale. There is fear
of the evil eye; the eyes of those in the lower social scale would pollute the
meal of persons of high rank. It is also prescribed that objects of value should
be protected against the envious or inimical looks of the evil-eyed one. The evil
eye could not only be envious but also angry or furious giving offensive meaningful
look. Some specified definite persons can cause injurious effects by their look,
even without themselves being aware of the effects. In a similar manner, the look
of a king or some other mighty being will bring esteem and be considered a token
of favour. Such looks also counteract evil, danger and injustice.
into a direction, looking up and looking at are all common in the rites. Looking
into a direction is a means of coming into contact with the powers residing there.
Men believe in turning to gods or other being to seek help in straitened circumstances.
This implies looking at the gods. To look up is another form of bestowing respect
of those looked upon. Likewise the gods respect of those looked upon. Likewise
the gods are beseeched by the devotees to look down upon them from above to bestow
blessings by their glances. Indra is expected to bestow his benefits upon the
devotees by directing a benign look towards them. We obtain every good thing in
life as a consequence of Lakshmi's glance. It is easy for us to obtain health,
strength, happiness, etc., if Lakshmi directs her gaze towards us. The glance
or gaze of a malevolent god or goddess creates all kinds of obstacles in our career.
Brahma has four heads each looking in different directions. He is all seeing
that way. Gods and men of divinity are believed to possess an extraordinary potent
visual organ. The super normal eyes help gods and gifted men to have foresight,
and uncommon and exceptional experiences. These eyes inspire, excite and bring
out the thought which takes the shape of hymns or formulas of great potency. The
demons also have extraordinary keen sight. The eyes of the gods keep watch over
us and guard us against all evil. Agni is called the eye of gods and men and is
considered the first divine power. This pre-eminent place assigned to Agni is
in consonance with the guiding function of the eye in the body.
3.3. Eye and Nonverbal Communication : Literature
The eye conveys nonverbal information and receives and interprets the same. This
process, as already pointed out, has several levels: the level of anatomical facilitation
and constraints, the physical perspectives more or less universal (Gibson, 1950)
and seen through the human eye, the social, cultural and linguistic regulation
of the process of seeing by the eye, and the interpersonal norms and interpretation
of nonverbal communication through the eye. Literature, a creation of man's mind
and civilization, gives us excellent descriptions of nonverbal behaviour and to
this mine we have already referred. We understand through literature how we all
see in interactions. In literature we find that all the aspects of the human eye
are dealt with. for example, Tirukkura½, a Tamil poetic work of early Christian
era, dealing with, broadly speaking, dharma, economics, love and married life,
often makes references to the information conveyed by the human eye under various
contexts. It makes references to the anatomy and physiology of the human eye when
it describes the shape and size of the human eye in metaphorical terms relating
these features to the shape and size of objects such as flowers, spears, etc.,
in the external world. It also discusses and gives description of the facilitating
and constraining influences of human eye in perceiving things. The highest level
of its concerns relates, however, to the ultimate values attached to eye by man
and society.
In Tirukkura½, use of eye for communication is portrayed
more frequently in the sections dealing with love between man and woman. Of the
different types of seeing, glance takes the pride of place. In fact, in the portrayal
of communication via eye between man and woman who are in love the emphasis is
not on seeing, but on the avoidance of seeing one another straight, face to face.
Avoidance of looking at the lover in public, and looking at him when he does not
look, all indicate the love the woman has for the man whom she loves. Those who
are secretly in love with one another hide their love from others by looking at
each other as enemies. Also the eyes of those who are secretly in love with one
another hide their love from others by looking at each other as enemies. Also
the eyes of those who are secretly in love with one another look at each other
as if they were strangers. That words are of no use when the eyes reveal the love
for one another is also recognized. That is, eyes express certain matters better
than words. It is also recognized that whereas mind can travel to places far beyond,
the eye cannot. the glance of the girl one is secretly in love with is death personified
(since the glance kills the man, takes away his life). The eye of the girl one
is secretly in love with is compared to flowers, moon, fish and stars on assumed
similarity in shape and quality. The power of the eye is derived from its beauty.
Stealing glances is a major part of revealing one's love. Again, the glance of
the girl one is secretly in love with performs two functions simultaneously. Sleeplessness,
to be lying wide awake without even a wink is yet another form of nonverbal communication
to indicate the intense feelings caused by separation. It is the eye that leads
one to fall in love and it is the same eye that bears the brunt of suffering caused
by separation - sleeplessness, crying, anxiety, restlessness. It is the eye that
reveals one's suffering caused by love, in spite of the girl's effort to hide
the suffering. Eyes communicate the lovers' physical state and mental suffering
caused by love. It is the eye that craves to see the lover. When the girl sees
her lover, all her suffering leaves her on its own. It is the secret glance that
consoles. And then, one is unable to see the fault of the lover when he is present
just as one is unable to see the object clearly when it is closest to the eye.
In spheres of life other than love between man and woman also reference to
eye as a communicating tool is often made. There cannot be any sign better than
tears that reveal the love locked in. Numeracy and literacy are the two eyes that
the human beings (should) have. It is only the educated who should be considered
as having eyes. All others have nothing but two wounds in their faces. The purpose
of having eyes is to have mercy/love for other beings. For the king the two eyes
are the intelligence services and the authoritative books on state-craft. A chief
characteristic that a spy should have is a retrieve the implicit meaning in a
communicative event. Man's intelligence is dependent on his eyes. Eye is also
associated with valour.
In essence, the literary works consider eye as
a carrier and communicator of emotions. Eyes are seen engaged in revealing, hiding
and giving are misleading information. They abet and are linked with other body
parts in the communication process. The literary works transfer the role and function
of the human eye from the physical and earthly interpersonal planes to the plane
of high moral values, prescribed in a society, as their ultimate function. The
eyes are metaphorically extended to highlight abstract moral values/skills on
the one hand and to earthly objects in terms of their size, shape and quality
on the other.
Eye and Nonverbal Communication : Proverbs
Tamil proverbs focus their
attention on the structure and function of the human eye at least on ten different
aspects : (i) Need for cultivation precaution through a diligent use of eye symbolizing
prediction of what will happen is emphasized. (ii) That it is difficult, rather
impossible, for one to find fault with oneself is also emphasized by metaphorical
extension of one's inability to see what is in one's eye. (iii) Eye is to be used
as a diligent guide and instrument for one's proper mobility in the physical world
and for one's proper conduct in the society. (vi) The eyes are employed to hide
the information as well as to reveal the hidden feelings and information. (v)
Eyes are compared with objects and beings to highlight the pared with objects
and beings to highlight the importance, the essential nature and the leadership
and guardianship qualities of these objects and beings. (vi) Eyes reveal the anxiety,
disappointment, affection, intelligence, valour and cunning. (vii) Pretension
is practised with or without success through the manipulation of eyes. (viii)
The ever-shifting eye shows a measure of speech with which speed of events and
objects are measured. The ever-shifting eye also symbolizes the shifting qualities
of human nature. (ix) Also the eye is used as a measure of beauty - 'beauty that
cannot be obtained in eyes' is one way of describing the exquisiteness of objects,
events and individuals. (x) In general the size and shape of the eyes are compared
favourably with objects, such as flowers, stars, fish, etc. (xi) Wyes reveal jealousy,
greed, anxiety and anger. Eyes reveal love and affection. Eyes, indeed, reveal
everything one has in his/her mind. (xii) Eyes reveal the status one has.
Proverbs in all the Indian languages give out information such as the above.
What is most revealing is the similarity in ideas on as well as functions of the
human eye found in religious texts, literary works and in proverbs. All these
focus upon the evil and good aspects of glance, social functions of the human
look and the values attached to various looks in different kings of relations.
3.5. Eye and Nonverbal Communication
: Sculpture
Eyes play a part in early Indian sculpture
in revealing the emotions portrayed by an image - 'the drowsy eyes of a so9mnolent
crocodile, and the grim look of the bulldog, rendered in so annoyingly charming
a manner form part of the perfection in the portrayal of the anatomical features
in Harappan art' (Sivaramamurti, 1961). This cannot be said for sculpture in historical
periods. For reasons see below. Most of the Indian sculpture do not portray/exhibit
pupil of the eye. This is more so when divine beings are portrayed. If one looks
only at the eyes of the images, most of the images appear to be emotion-less,
with a sort of nonchalance, a blissful, carefree and indifferent look because
of nonportrayal of the pupil. Since the pupil is not carved, there are certain
constraints imposed on the use of eye as a communicator. the peripheral side glance
indicating directions of look is not portrayable directly since the pupil is not
carved. Also the emotions cannot be directly portrayed for the same. The pupil-less
eye leads on to the look of nonchalance, etc., mentioned above. However, the emotions
are conveyed not through the eyes but through the posture of the body or bodies
involved, the pose of the eyelids, supported by other facial expressions and also
through other suggestive designs including the story and conventions that are
expected to be the basis of interpretation and portrayal of the sculpture. In
other words, interpretation and portrayal of emotions in the sculpture are made
possible by episodes and by other suggestions in the sculpture, and not by eyes
in most cases.
Perhaps there is some greater truth and validity in what
is said, since in real life as well there are cases wherein eye alone cannot express
all the emotional denotations and connotations for certain emotions. That is,
certain emotions are expressed in a joint manner by all the parts of the face,
body posture, overall linguistic and nonlinguistic contexts with perhaps eyes
taking a lead role, while certain other emotions can be independently expressed
by the human eye. For the latter category, the pupil and pupillary movement are
essential. Since these are not provided for in the traditional Indian sculpture
in most cases, nonverbal communication via the eyes in the sculpture depends on
other means indicated above.
In spite of all the above conditions, it
is still possible to have a categorization of looks in the sculpture based on
open, half open and closed eye variables. We find in some cases the categorization
can be made on the basis of provision or lack of provision for the pupil. It is
also our surmise that when Indian sculpture began to protray images of real human
beings, such as kings, poets, etc., and when it began to release itself from the
Buddhistic faces of humans, the pupil began to appear in the carvings of images
of kings, dancers, etc. From the perfect body and perfect and emotionless eyes
of the gods even humans, we go to a protrayal of human bodies and eyes indicating
real age of the person portrayed and the emotion intended to be exhibited through
eyes, eyelids, pupil-position, etc.
3.6. Eye and Nonverbal Communication : Social Factors
Proxemics is directly related to social institutions in Indian contexts while
at the same time it is also important for the interpersonal relations outside
the pale of social institutions. Neither vision nor eye is directly related to
the same extent to or is exploited by the social institutions. However, there
are certain phenomena which could be considered as falling within social institutions.
Superior status of the person addressed is indicated in certain Tamil castes by
speakers not looking at the addressee. Respect is shown to the individual addressed
in this manner. The individuals shown this respect may be close relatives, (males-in-law
elder to the speaker), individuals of higher socioeconomic status and employers.
This form of communication postures is resorted to more by womenfolk. This posture
is achieved by looking away from the individual addressed, including looking down
on the ground in case the person addressed stands face to face. While this form
of communication is generally adopted to show respect, there are also certain
religious injunctions that proscribe looks of individuals of lower castes upon
superiors and on food and other objects offered to the deities. Sometimes these
members of the so-called lower castes are also proscribed from seeing the idols/objects
of worship. To carry out the above it is conjoined upon the members of the so-called
upper castes to conduct themselves and their religious acts in such a way that
the members of the so-called lower castes would have non opportunity to cross
the proscribed limits of vision and space. Note that, in this, social behaviour
expected from the members of some so-called upper castes and lower castes, proxemics
of vision plays a crucial role. Also note that in the social plane, as explained
above, nonverbal communication via eye is nonverbal communication negativing or
proscribing the use of vision. At the level of religious practices also, proscribing
vision is often practised. For instance, on certain occasions of abhishekama a
cloth curtain is raised between the idol and the devotees. The priests will be
performing special pujas behind the curtain. Sometimes the Ganesha image made
up of clay and kept and worshipped at home on the day of Vinayaka Chaturthi is
taken out and disposed of in the river or in the well without others seeing the
image. The image is generally taken out by individuals covering the image with
a towel/cloth and is thrown into the river or well. Note also that after performing
certain religious rites one is asked to proceed straight without looking back.
Here also vision is proscribed. Casting of the evil eye is another familiar notion.
Again, here one is expected to protect himself or herself by not giving any opportunity
to others to see what one has or does. Thus in many cases at the social level
vision is proscribed; proscription and adherence to proscription come to communicate.
3.7. Eye and Nonverbal Communication : The Interpersonal Plane
(i) Various Types of Looks
The vision or look between individuals
engaged in communication is of several types, namely, one sided look, face gaze,
eye gaze, mutual look, eye contact, gaze avoidance and gaze omission (von Cranach,
1971). One sided look is the gaze by one person in the direction of another's
face. Face gaze is directing of one person's gaze at another's face. Eye gaze
is directing of one person's gaze at another's eyes. Two persons gaze at each
other's face in mutual look. In eye contact, two persons look into each other's
eye gaze. Avoidance of another's gaze is called gaze avoidance. Failure to look
at another without intention to avoid contact is gaze omission.
In general,
eye plays very many roles in the communication processes between individuals.
Eyes signal communication as well as communication avoidance. They also provide
information and feedback which regulate speech between individuals. Eye perform
monitoring, regulatory and expressive functions in interactions between individuals.
'Monitoring occurs when the speaker looks at the listener for cues on which to
base his future behaviour, such as at the end of long utterances (to see if the
listener wants to speak) or at the end of phrases (to ensure that he is being
followed). a speaker can regulate conversation with his eyes by looking away (to
maintain the floor) or by giving the listener a prolonged look at the end of his
utterance to signal that a response is desired' (Kendon, 1967). Eyes serve to
initiate and terminate social interaction. As part of their expressive functions
the eyes express likes and dislikes, reveal the status of individuals in the contact
situations, and become the vehicle of expression for several categories of emotions.
Each of the seven types of looks listed above has several communicative
functions. Both gaze avoidance, which is deliberate avoidance of another's eye
gaze, and gaze omission, which is failure to look at another without intention
to avoid contact, indicate either a desire not to communicate or an unreadiness
to communicate. In the case of gaze omission, the individual who fails to look
at another is not even aware of the presence of the other individual. Omission
is not deliberate in the sense that the individual who fails to look at another
does not plan the omission; it comes to him naturally, either by cultivation as
a means to exhibit one's status or through sheer sloppiness. Gaze avoidance, on
the other hand; may be indicative of loss of self esteem and/or guilt on the part
the individual who avoids looking at others; it may be also indicative of emotional
arousal and/or the condition of being emotionally upset. Another reason for gaze
avoidance could be the dislike the individual has for the other whom he avoids
to look at. Sorrow or fear could be another reason for gaze avoidance. Communication
of submission is yet another function of gaze avoidance. In all these there is
a common thread of some negative value running all through. It also appears that
both gaze avoidance and gaze omission seem to exhibit and/or are based, in some
not so clear sense, on social norms and values than the other types of looks.
That is, while other types of looks could be more or less guided by interpersonal
relations without involving social values, gaze avoidance and gaze omission, however,
do become vehicles of expression of these values and norms.
In the mutual
look, two persons gaze at each other's face and this imitates as well as maintains
speech. During the course of interaction, each looks at the other for a particular
length of time. 'For how long at a time each looks at the other depends upon the
dyad'. The status of individuals involved, the emotional attachment the individuals
have for one another, the sex of the individuals, the urgency and importance of
the matter conveyed verbally or nonverbally, the emotional conditions of the individuals
at the time the exchange takes place are some of the important variables that
govern the frequency of mutual look as well as the length of time of the mutual
look. For example, the person who assumes a lesser status in age, sex (female
generally in Indian contexts) or in socio-economic and political terms strive
his/her best to maintain the mutual look for a considerable length of time whereas
the person assuming a superior status is at liberty to maintain it or not. Mutual
look is demanded when instructions are to be given by the person assuming a superior
status. Since the person assuming a superior status is at liberty to discontinue
the mutual look at his will, the frequency and facility with which the mutual
look is converted to one sided, fixed look on the part of the other individual
acts as a measure of status for the individual who refuses to maintain the mutual
look posture. Mutual look helps secret communication between individuals. the
length of time of mutual look and the frequency of mutual look are then dependent
upon the nature of content communicated. In many cases just a mutual glance is
enough to communicate confirmation or negation of a matter shared by the individuals
looking at each other. In several others mutual look at infrequent or regular
intervals is resorted to. Thus, while investigating the role and function of mutual
look we have to distinguish between mutual looks that are ordinarily and naturally
exchanged between individuals engaged in face to face communication which has
the primary function of initiating and maintaining speech as well as creating
empathy between the individuals while giving supportive props for what is conveyed
by speech, on the one hand, and the various types of mutual looks that carry values
over and above the former functions. It is also necessary to identify as to whether
the mutual looks are employed for secretive communication. Mutual look may also
be employed for assessing each other.
The distinction between mutual
look and eye contact is one of duration. Eye contact is the initial phase of mutual
look. Two persons look into each other's gaze. The gaze in eye contact changes
into mutual look once the contacts are established and when the gaze is exploited
by more regular and established exchanges. The eye contact has the function of
recognition, conveys the feeling of anticipation, may begin a secret communication
between the persons in eye contact, can indicate the agreement and consent between
the individuals. It can also reveal mutual interest and can arouse emotions, and
further cement inwardly the interpersonal relations.
Eye gaze which is
the directing of one person's gaze at another's eyes is one of concealment, or
a deliberate or a genuine failure to recognize the other. Such an eye gaze is
generally found in the beginning of an encounter which very soon gets transformed
into mutual look, eye contact, gaze avoidance or gaze omission, in the course
of the interaction. When compared with face gaze, which is directing of one's
gaze at another's face eye gaze is indulged in if one is interested in pursuing
a path of some sort of interaction with the other individual. In other words,
the face gaze generally takes place earlier than eye gaze. Also note that one
sided look may precede face gaze. All the three - one sided look, face gaze, and
eye gaze - described in this manner are generally relevant in encounters between
individuals who are not, or may be a little, familiar with one another. When two
individuals (who are familiar with one another) encounter one another for purposeful
interaction, one sided look, face gaze and eye gaze take on different functions.
Very often under the latter condition, the one sided look aims at assessing the
other's reactions and/or arousing intended emotions in the other. The one sided
look could also instigate and accelerate decisions in the other's mind. It gives
or rather creates, under certain conditions/contents, some trust in the other
as well. But the one sided look is engaged in for a very brief span only, although
it could be applied at regular intervals to accelerate the ends desired. The face
and eye gaze, however, are signals of indecision, distress, negative feelings
and noninvolvement. It is, indeed, difficult to say whether any hierarchy between
the two in terms either of order of occurrence or of importance can be set up.
(ii) Functions of Looks
We have already given, or rather indicated,
certain functions and processes while discussing certain functions and processes
while discussing above the types of looks. In what follows here we look at the
functions again and identify the inter- relationships between looks in terms of
their functions. We must first of all recognize that a single visual act may have
a number of functions. The same visual act may function as an act of observation,
while at the same time performing functions of inspection, act of concealment,
act of distraction and so on. Apart from the functions of monitoring, regulatory
and expressive roles, gaze has, as already pointed out, the function of indicating
the readiness to communicate. All these may be considered as the function of visual
behaviour in relation to or in support of verbal communication.
function of visual behaviour is its facilitation of interpersonal influence and
control. Very often visual acts reveal, establish and regulate interpersonal relationship,
especially interpersonal attraction. We have a tendency to approach persons who
look at us as opposed to those who look away. In this, the liking - looking relationship
is involved. As we saw earlier, literature adds an interesting dimension to the
relationship between looking behaviour and interpersonal attraction, namely, gaze
aversion of a different sort. The woman in love avoids the face-to-face, eye-to-eye
gaze with the man she is in love with, but only momentarily, for she comes back,
to him with a gaze in the next moment. Gaze avoidance which certainly exhibits
functions of guilt, concealment and so on, has here the function of asserting
one's love and attraction for the other, when the same is converted into rather
a game of gaze aversion. This particular form of visual behaviour clearly shows
how a form of visual behaviour can have several, even conflicting, functions.
Apart from attraction and aversion functions visual behaviour may also
be used to reveal and strengthen or eliminate the power or status relationship.
For example, gaze is related to perceived power or status or dominance. More a
person is looked at by other group members, the more he feels valued and the greater
his own and other's ratings of his power. It may also be used to erode the established
power or status relationship and establish newer power or status relationships.
We have already indicated how this is carried out in some contexts. Gaze omission,
among other things, clearly includes assumed and/or recognized status. Ordinary
language expressions abound in every language to indicate this. When a person
attains a higher status it is commonly expected of him that he would have eyes
only for certain people and things and not for others. He has the choice to see
what he wants and this, many a time, comes so naturally to him that its initial
phase of cultivation is surely forgotten in course of time and the attitude becomes
natural to him in some sense. An individual is shown his/her place by gaze omission
engaged in by the one who assumes a superior status. When a man becomes a pauper
or puts on poor dress, nobody looks at him. A poor relation is not recognized.
Gaze omission also is employed to show the anger an individual has for another.
Even here, higher status, at least for the moment, is assumed by the individual
who is angry and who indulges in gaze omission.
Another function of visual
behaviour is arousal of awareness in the individual being looked at. Under this
comes the special category of staring, against which in most societies there is
a strong social norm in interpersonal interactions. However, in the worship of
folk deities (Thirumalai, 1983), staring is one form of "coercing" the
deity to grant what the devotee wants from the deity. It is also used as a means
to get into a trance in the worship of folk deities. Violation of the social norms
against staring has several significant, very violent, consequences for intra-
and inter- personal behaviour. It generally leads on to challenge and quarrel,
wordy and/or physical, especially when the subject of staring by a male is a mixed
couple/female. Also by staring, one induces conformity in the subject being stared
at. In the animal kingdom, 'one of the most frequently reported components of
agonistic or threat displays in primates is a steady, direct gaze at the object
of aggression. Typically it occurs as a prelude to attack or as a substitute for
it depending upon the reaction of the other animal. This reaction is usually flight,
a submissive display, a return gaze, or a combination of these elements' (Hall,
1969). Note that 'starting is not necessarily perceived as a threatening signal,
and does not automatically elicit flight'. While a stare has the initial function
of arousal in one who is being stared at, ultimately it takes on the function
and means of establishing the status relationships among individuals staring at
one another.
This study of staring takes us to the next related function of
visual behaviour, namely, the effect of being observed. This is the function of
visual behaviour as perceived or attributed by the person who is being subjected
to the visual behaviour of another. When an individual looks at us, we start attributing
certain characteristics to that emanate from that individual. These characteristics
we attribute to the individual, based on our assumption of personality traits,
moods, reactions, or attitudes exhibited by that individual through various types
of looks emanation from him. Thus, the visual behaviour of the one who looks at
gives out as much information to us about the one who is looking at us as his
look tends to take in. But in both the processes subjective assessment instigated
by personality factors as well as social norms play a crucial role. A person who
looks is ultimately looked at and judged for his personality and motives, etc.,
based on the very look which initiates the visual conversation.
Intimacy and
such other contents are also conveyed via looks. In a meeting, a high eye contact
from a listener makes a speaker think that he is listened to with attention and
then the situation becomes pleasant and intimate to him (the speaker). This is
caused also by physical proximity, topic intimacy, and facial behaviours such
as smiling. However, note that his intimacy as revealed by frequent eye contact
is like as double edged weapon - it could lead to discomfort as well. Discomfort
would induce shifting of looks. However, when intimacy causes an increase in liking,
the increase in looking also occurs.
While a major function of the eye
is to see all and reveal all, another major function of the human eye is concealment.
The concealment process can be looked at in several ways. One type of concealment
is concealment intended concealment of emotions and information. Another type
of concealment is concealment intended for purposeful and accentuated revelation.
In reveal whereas in the former concealment is the eyes conceal truth to express
falsehood. Also of falsehood to protect another. In both these sub-categories,
however, the concealment is done with the help of other parts of the body including
face and with the help of general behavioural patterns. Some of these are as follows:
distraction by way of changing the subject; when the subject matter that may reveal
what is hidden from the addressee in dealt with, a different aspect, not cealed,
of the same subject is focussed on; the person who tries to conceal may leave
the place abruptly or in a non-suspicious manner; the individual puts on an innocent
look (clear eye, plain eye, with an indifferent posture). Also note that successful
concealment depends on trust and credibility of speakers as well as the motives
and exploratory skills of the listener. Concealment failure is due to failure
of the eyes - the eyes give away. This giving away may be effected in several
different ways: mere empty looks, fearful looks, shifty looks, through accessories
of eyes, such as tears, winks, through accessories of body parts, through emotional
expression in conjunction with facial expressions and through lack of coordination
between eyes and words. Also note that frequent glances exhibited by the one already
suspected, coupled with distance of avoidance, presumed or real, will lead to
judgement of unreliability.
The effect of social proximity on visual
behaviour also reveals the constraints imposed on visual behaviour by social factors
and their facilitative influence. Two persons, apparently equal, exchange eye
contact frequently to express their assessment of the third person who is present
and who may or may not be socially inferior to them. Again we see that social
proximity and frequent personal contacts do induce more communication via eye.
Another point that one notices is that the superior does not always look at the
inferior, whereas the inferior is expected to have his/her look fixed on the superior.
Social proximity among men and women, however, does not lead on to more frequent
visual contacts than the quantum and frequency of contacts generally noticed,
unless there is also a personal element that binds the man and the woman in the
interaction. Also when two individuals are seen exchanging glances more frequently,
the observers assume that these individuals like one another and are intimate.
Thus, gaze also provides important cues for making inferences about the relationship
among individuals. Prolonged one sided looks by a female to a male suggests a
long relationship whereas the same behaviour by a male to another appear to believe
that frequent sympathetic looks indicate affection. They appear to consider frequent,
longer duration and reciprocal eye contact cues as revealing positive relationship.
Sex differences are found more in nonverbal communication than in communication
via language in all communities. This is so because there is a heavy influences
of social norms of conduct on nonverbal communication behaviour. In a way nonverbal
communication becomes an instrument of social norms and structure. Among nonverbal
conduct, differences in the use and interpretation of the use of eye is found
more between sexes. Already we have referred to several differences in functions
of visual behaviour between men and women. One general finding is that women engage
themselves in more general looking. Sex differences also appear to be generally
consistent across age. Females wish to see their partners while speaking. Adolescent
girls' adjustments towards males find, both in proxemics and visual behaviour,
appropriate socialization processes.
3.8. Approaches to the Study of Visual Behaviour
Experimental investigations, theoretical models based on experimental investigations
as well as reason and observation, biological approaches, anthropological investigations,
literary and other text-based studies are the major approaches to the study of
visual behaviour. The Argyle-Dean affiliative conflict theory is a good model
of a balanced blend of experimental investigations and intuitive theorization.
The theory suggests that approach and avoidance forces operate to determine the
occurrence, frequency, and quality of eye contact. Affiliative need and a desire
and urge for visual feedback operate as approach forces. Avoidace seems to be
based on fear of being seen and of revealing one's inner feelings. Eye contact
generally serves the following functions: information seeking, signalling that
the channel is open, concealment and exhibitionism and establishment and recognition
of social relationships (Argyle and Dean, 1965). Experimental investigations cover
very many situations of interpersonal and group contacts. The findings all converge
on certain basic patterns. But these basic patterns differ from one group of investigators
to another group of investigators. For example, while the Argyle-Dean affiliative
conflict theory emphasizes the role of approach and avoidance in communication
via human eye, several other investigators focus on the retrieval of personality
factors revolving around the use of eye as a communicative means (Mehrabian, 1971;
Anastasi, 1958). Another focus has been on the relationship between visual behaviour,
liking, status and power. Yet another focus is on the proxemic characteristics
of communication via eye. Pupillary movements in relation to personal choice of
objects and the processes of decision making form another level of experimental
investigations. However, the relationship between eye and language use has not
yet attracted the attention of experimental investigators.
Study of biological
bases and/or constraints of visual behaviour forms another major approach. We
have already referred to the position of Hall (1969) in section 3.1. Hall points
out that the structure of eye may impose certain constraints and/or facilitate
certain angles of viewing. Attempts are also made to identify the biological bases
of visual behaviour through researches on direction of gaze. Researches are undertaken
to study the direction of gaze and brain functioning. The relationship between
right handedness and eye movements is also investigated. Right handers solving
verbal problems look to the right. They look to the left when solving numerical
and spatial problems. Left handers are more equal in the frequencies of their
eye movements. Puillary movements are also investigated; the facilitating and
constraining factors are identified.
Relationship between proxemics and use
of eye for communication marks the major focus of investigations based on anthropological
approaches. Social-cultural influences in the use of eye are another dimension
of these studies. There is a close linkage between anthropological approaches
and the literary and text-based studies of nonverbal communication via eye. At
times, it is, indeed, difficult to distinguish between the two.
3.9. Face and Nonverbal Communication : What is Face?
Face is a very important area and channel of nonverbal communication. More than
any other body part, face instantaneously communicates, and readily reveals and
exhibits the emotional states. The interpersonal attitudes and relations are more
clearly established on the face. Face is the first part of the body that one looks
at. Face is defined as the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin.
While this definition refers to the anatomical area of face, the use of the word
referring to face in many languages refers to several other extended concepts.
The word for face is used to refer to a look or expression on the anatomical area
defined above, to refer to an expression or look which indicates ridicule, disgust,
etc., grimace, boldness, impudence, outward appearance, outward show or pretence,
good reputation, dignity, and prestige. It also indicates the amount specified
in a bill or note, exclusive of interest, the manifest sense or express terms
as a document, the geographic characteristics or general appearance of a land
surface, the surface, the side or part of a side upon which the use of a thing
depends, the most important or most frequently seen side, front, the acting, sticking
or working surface of an implement, tool, etc., geometrically any one of the bounding
surfaces of a solid figure, in mining the front or end of a drift or excavation,
where the material is or was mined, in printing the working surface of a type,
of a plate, etc., the general style or appearance of type, any of the outer plane
surfaces of a crystal, when confronted with, entrance, gate, and so on. The word
face thus covers a great many meanings with extended values. However, there are,
indeed, not many words to describe different facial behaviours, although the expressions
one could put on the face are countless. The words used to describe facial expressions
include smile, frown, furrow, squint, etc. Facial muscles must be viewed as very
complex based on the countless expressions shown on the face. These countless
facial expressions can occur one after another in quick succession and in so many
different patterns. Lastly, the importance of face is derived also from the fact
that quite a lot of information is conveyed by face in a very short span of time.
The variety of information is also very wide.
The parts of the face and the
movements of the parts of the face that are involved in the nonverbal communication
are as follows:
1) Lip movements,
2) Lifting/shrinking the cheeks,
3) Nose and its movements,
4) Eye brows and their movements,
5) Eye lids
and their movements,
6) Chin shaking,
7) Opening, closing and various
other postures of mouth,
8) Yawning,
9) Manipulation of face with the
help of other body parts,
10) Overall face,
11) Tears,
12) Smile
(a clearly distinct behaviour-based involvement of specified parts of face),
13) Moustache,
14) Ornamentation of face,
15) Forehead, and
Ornamentation of the head including headgear and hairdos.
Although one could
identify various parts of the face, as we have done above, it is indeed of various
components that constitute face. For certain parts of the face, for example, we
may be able to assign specific functions/roles in facial expressions. However,
in most cases, all the parts of face combine with one another to give a total
effect of the expression intended. Yet, that one could differentially show emotions,
in a simultaneous fashion on the face, has been demonstrated in theatrical performances
and in sculpture. That is, for different uses of the potential, different parts
of the face are there and the potential has been visualized. But the exploitation
of this potential does not seem to have been linked with any interpersonal or
social institution in societies. Even the experimental investigations have not
proceeded very far. There are, however, only a few component studies. This is
due probably to the face. One could view and focus on separate areas of the face
- forehead, eyelids, cheeks, nose, etc., and come to definite conclusions in regard
to some emotions. At the same time, for a fuller comprehension of the emotion
exhibited it is the total face that should be studied. While each area of the
face can theoretically distinguish among emotions, and for this there is evidence
in the savings of ordinary language, caution should be exercised if one wants
to base his studies on the assumption that there is one movement in one facial
area for each emotion. The sayings in the ordinary language, which assign one
emotion in a specified manner to one particular area of the face, act as a tag
to label the emotion and assign it to the most involved area of the face in the
production and exhibition of that particular emotion. Once a reference to that
particular area of face is mentioned, convention brings to our memory a chain
of activities that are anchored on to that particular area of face in the communicative
convention of out society. And this accentuates our understanding of the situation.
Thus, the ultimate aim of lining an area of the face with specified emotion or
emotions in the utterances of ordinary language, is to aid communication, and
not to focus or establish the area of the face as the place of origin and exhibition
of that particular emotion. It is clear from our own observations that for a single
emotion that may be several attendant areas of the face and movements. And yet,
as already pointed out, one could perhaps do research more profitably, if one
persists on quantifying such information, by assuming that the facial areas may
differ in terms of their relative involvements of affect-specific components and
nonaffective movements. The brows and forehead are more specifically involved
in certain types of emotions. Generally speaking, convention as obtained through
the sayings in the ordinary language and naturalistic observations of areas language
and naturalistic observations of areas of face involve in emotions indicate that
fear and sadness are best produced by and judge from the eyes and eyelids area.
A combination of cheeks, mouth, eyes, and eyelids reveals happiness. Surprise
is identified in brows and forehead more clearly. Surprise is identified also
in eyes and eyelids as well as the combination of cheeks and mouth. Note that
there is a certain amount of social hierarchy involved in the choice of the above
combinations. Also note that the instantaneousness and the intensity of the vent
that surprises one will also influence the course of choice of the particular
combinations. As for anger the entire face seems to be involved: cheeks, mouth,
brows and forehead areas, and eyes and eyelid areas in some proportion of involvement.
All these areas are invariably seen involved in the expressions of the emotion
of anger.
3.10. Relationship Between
Face and Eye
Facial expressions are clearly related
to expressions via eye. Face is the most important part of the "face to face"
bodily encounters. The expressions on face are retrieved and comprehended via
eye, and the facial expressions depend on the support of the expression via eye.
Smile is among many expressions that depend not only on facial parts, such as
lips, mouth and cheeks, but also on the expression given out by eyes. In a way
facial expressions communicated via facial parts other than eye and the expressions
communicated via the eye are independent as well as inter-dependent.
3.11. Face and Emotions
A major item of expression
via face is the expression of emotions, so much so that most of us fail to recognize
that face is used to express other contents as well. Facial expressions of emotions
are very specific in the sense that there are specific conventions for their interpretation.
Since the face is the primary site of out emotions in human interaction, we are
tempted to believe that facial expressions may be an inner characteristic of man,
cutting across cultures. There are several layers that we should consider. First
of all we must identify the underlying neurophysical processes. Emotions are believed
to be the work of three inter-related components, namely, neural activity, striate
muscle or facial-postural activity and subjective experience. The feedback provided
by the facial muscle contractions reveals the immediate experience of emotion.
The subjective experience leads on to complex proprioceptive facial receptors.
Neural activity and subsequent processes in human brain are yet poorly understood.
But one fact remains clear - whatever may be the neural activities, there is modulation
of these activities at the social level.
In modern psychologically-oriented
empirical researches of emotions and consequent nonverbal communication, generally
speaking, a three-tier organization is presumed: feelings, emotions and physical
manifestations of emotions. In traditional description and analysis of nonverbal
expressions, for example, in traditional Tamil grammars, a two-tier organization
is generally assumed: emotions which lend themselves or lead on to their manifest
physical expression as opposed to emotions which do not.
The grammar, however,
includes both in its purview. The latter (the emotions that do not manifest themselves
in physical expressions are generally classified and brought under the former.
A pride of place in the former goes to the set which covers the manifest facial
expressions. The ancient Tamil grammar Tolk¡ppiyam of pre-Christian era
gives eight bodily expressions and takes them either as the basis or as mnemonic
tags for other nonverbal expressions. The emotions that are generally revealed
through facial expressions are laughter (smile, cheerfulness, delight, contemptuous
laughter, grin, etc.), astonishment and wonder, pride and arrogance, (and joy
out of pride and arrogance, as well as consciousness of one's own greatness),
pathetic sentiments (crying, weeping, agony look, etc.), fear, tread and terror,
emotion of disgust, disgrace and ridicule, anger, and joy, gladness, delight,
and sentiment of love and fondness. Also there are other manifest physical expressions
on face identified as relating to man and woman relationships. These include perspiration,
dreamy helplessness, shivering and blushing. There is an implicit recognition
that the emotions are countless in number and likewise their manifest physical
expressions can also be numerous. The same manifest physical expression may be
employed for more than one emotion.
In the Sanskritic tradition as well
face finds a place of pride in the list of emotions that have a manifest physical
expression. For example, Bharata (500 B.C.?) lists the following eight rasas which
are expressed mainly through facial expressions: erotic, heroic, pathetic, comic,
ferocious, fearful, repulsive and wonderful emotions.
Unlike in the traditional
Tamil grammar, the system of classification of parts of the face and assignation
of differential emotions to different parts of the face, in the Sanskritic traditions,
is rather elaborate. Bharata Muni recognizes that the emotions are conveyed mainly
via face. He classifies the gestures into three kinds, namely, gestures of the
limbs, gestures of the face and gestures related to different movements of the
entire body (Nayasastra Chapter VIII, verse 9, translation by Ghosh, 1967). The
facial gestures are dealt with under the gestures exhibited by minor limbs, namely,
eyes, eyeballs, eyelids, eyebrows, nose, lower lip, chin, cheeks, mouth, and colour
of the face. Each one of these parts is further classified into various kinds
and each one of these kinds is assumed to be a means to express one or more emotions.
For example, Bharata Muni suggests that there are six kinds of cheeks: depressed
cheeks (cheeks are fallen), blown cheeks (cheeks are raised), full cheeks (cheeks
are expanded), trembling cheeks (cheeks are throbbing), contracted cheeks (cheeks
are narrowed down ) and natural cheeks. Each of these has its own use in expressing
emotions. The depressed cheek is used in sorrow, the blown cheek is used in joy,
the full cheek in energy and arrogance, trembling cheek in anger and joy, contracted
cheek in sensitive touch, cold, fear and fever and natural cheek in the remaining
conditions (Nayasastra Chapter VIII and verses 132 and 137, translation by Ghosh,
1967). While in the Tamil traditions, the approach seems to have been to identify
the basic emotions and their physical manifestations but not the specification
of sites, (since it is assumed that the same site could be used for several emotions
and that an emotion could be expressed via several sites), in the Sanskritic tradition,
the approach is to link individual emotions to particular sites in the face. Note
that this assignation of site is one of overlapping nature. For, in the same site,
different emotions may be shown. Also the same emotion may be expressed in different
Modern research on facial expressions revolves around certain
questions: Definition of what we mean by emotion; the validity of categories or
dimensions of emotions, such as pleasantness, anger, pride and so on; the question
of correctly identifying the emotions on the face so categorized; the question
as to whether we could identify specific parts of the face for emotions distinctly
categorized; the influence and role of contextual cues in the correct characterization
of an emotion observed, and how the "spontaneous" emotion controlled,
regulated and transferred to other media. The research focuses also on as to how
one could reach an agreement with the other about the nature and site of emotion
observed. If there is no agreement as to what the particular emotion under observation
is, comparison across individuals and emotions cannot be carried out. There should
be some agreement as regards the meaning of a particular exhibition of an emotion.
In this connection, several techniques have been adopted to establish the validity
of one's judgement. Photographs of the whole picture along with the social context
are presented. The individuals are then asked to identify and mark emotions involved.
Another way is to seek expert judgement from individuals engaged in the exploitation
of facial expressions. One could also present enacted sequences in still photographs,
movie films and video cassettes. These methods are generally resorted to as preliminaries
to research. These have resulted in significant but varied information. Often
one notices that although there is a wide agreement between individuals in judging
the character of emotions exhibited, there is also wide ranging disagreement.
The disagreement is traced to the sociocultural milieu of the individuals as well
as their personality factors and cognitive abilities. The kind of exposure and
the role of emotions in their professional contexts also appear to influence their
judgement of what an emotional exhibition signifies. These also influence their
ability to recognize and distinguish emotional states. It appears, however, that
positive emotions, emotions such as happiness and surprise, are easier to recognize
and distinguish when compared with negative emotions of fear, sadness, anger and
Modern researches have also led to several classifications of emotions.
Osgood (1966) suggests the following as primary referents: Pleasantness (joy and
glee versus dread and anxiety), control (annoyance, disgust, contempt, scorn and
loathing versus dismay, bewilderment, surprise, amazement and excitement), and
activation (sullen anger, rage, disgust, scorn and loathing versus despair, pity,
dreamy sadness, boredom, quiet pleasure, complacency and adoration). Ekman, Friesen
and Ellsworth (1972) offer a three dimensional framework, namely, pleasant-unpleasant,
attention-rejection and sleep-tension (intensity control). They also suggest a
set of basic emotions which could not be profitably reduced further. These are
happiness, surprise, fear, sadness, anger, disgust-contempt and interest, the
seven major primary affect categories. Note that the traditional grammars in Tamil
and Sanskrit also adopted the strategy of identifying and listing basic emotions.
There are two schools of thought as regards the notion of universal facial
expression. Birdwhistell (1970) argues against the notion of universal facial
expression and maintains that all body movement is learned and communicated. Ekman
(1972) identifies both universals and culture-bound aspects, Darwin was the first
to propose universal facial behaviours for each emotion. Allport (1924), Asch
(1952), Tomkins (1962), Izard (1971) and Ekman (1972) wrote in support of this
view Birdwhistell (1970) and LaBarre (1962) argued that facial expressions are
culture-bound. Of great interest for us is the theory of Ekman, since his theory
accounts for the intuitively felt universal aspects of facial expression on the
one hand and the obvious culture-bound facial expressions on the other. For him
different facial behaviours are both universal and culture-bound. Universals occur
as a result of the relationship between distinctive movements of the facial muscles
and particular emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, etc. The cultural
differences in facial expressions are due to the fact that the elicitors of particular
emotions vary across cultures. Such cultural differences are also due to the fact
that there are differences in the rules of socialization which control facial
expression in particular social settings. Differences are also due to the fact
that the consequences of emotion arousal vary with culture.
theory of facial expressions consists of elicitors that evoke the innate facial
affect programme which is in turn modified by cultural display rules, resulting
in certain behavioural consequences. Elicitors can, in some cases, be unlearned,
such as a disgust expression in respect to a bad smell or taste, or surprise expressions
to a sudden loud sound or unexpected event. Most elicitors of emotional reactions
are learned and a majority are interpersonal in nature and tied to the culture.
Though the facial expressions may have the same meaning across cultures, the stimulus
that elicits it may differ from culture to culture. 'What is universal in facial
expressions of emotion is the particular set of facial muscular movements when
a given emotion is elicited'. Ekman posits, as already pointed out, seven primary
emotions, namely, happiness, anger, surprise, fear, disgust, sadness, and interest.
Each of these is associated with distinct neural effect which are universals.
Compare the seven primary emotions with those suggested by the eight primary ones
in both Tamil and Sanskrit traditions. Ekman also provides for secondary emotions.
These secondary emotions are called blends. The blends occur in four ways.
1) They may occur because of a rapid sequence of two primary emotions which
to an observer may be perceptually fused into a blend.
2) One area of the
face may show one emotion and another part of a second emotion.
3) The right
and left sides of the face may show different emotions.
4) A blend can be
the muscular movement resulting from activation of primary emotions. The blends
help us account for the numerous and countless complex facial expressions of emotions
and of emotion words which far exceed the small list of primary emotions.
3.12. Facial Expressions and Context
In real life we always observe others' facial expressions in some situation or
other. Hence, the interpretation of facial expressions depends also on the situational
contexts. Likewise the situational context is inferred by an observer who is not
fully acquainted with the situational contexts he is in, by an interpretation
of the facial expressions. Thus, one may investigate as to how much information
facial expression provides when the situation is known as well as when the situation
is not known. One should also note that the situational context dictates what
emotion is judged rather than the person's facial expression. Generally we tend
to interpret the judgement as synonymous with the facial expression observed.
Researches focus upon the relationship between emotional expressions on the
face and the accompanying/corresponding verbal texts. If a sad story is presented
with a happy face, it is the verbal context that takes over. When a sad face presents
a happy story. In most conditions, the facial cues are a key to an understanding
and interpretation of actually prevalent interpersonal social contexts. Social
norms have prescribed facial expressions for various contexts. Failure to adhere
either wilfully or unknowingly, leads to confusion on the one hand and penal courses
on the other. That is, while in the initial stages the social norms prescribe
facial expressions, in the long run the facial expressions come to signify and
stand for the social meaning. Ultimately the facial expressions themselves become
the social meaning. There is yet another constraint/facility as well. This relates
to the kinds and extent of emotions that should be displayed on face. A facial
or contextual cue supplies information about emotion to observers as conditioned
by the sociocultural milieu and the personality factors of the individuals. Also
some emotions are to be accentuated while some may be played down. Thus, face
becomes a deliberate mode of nonverbal communication, regulated by context of
various sorts.
3.13. Concealment
and Transformation of Facial Expression
That facial
expression is natural and not cultivated is one of the generally held views. Such
naturalness is also sought to be related to the sincerity of heart. It is further
assumed that whatever be the force of controlling and restraining circumstances,
the true feelings will certainly be revealed by the face. There is a strong belief
in all societies that ultimately the face communicates the emotion in an accurate
manner when compared to other modes of communication. Yet it has been found difficult
by researchers and observers to identify accurately the emotions expressed. At
another level it is also clearly recognized (and the existence and flourishing
of dramatic arts is a sure indication of this recognition) that facial expressions
can be imitated, and since these can be imitated one could choose facial expressions
to meet various ends. In other words, one could conceal one's own emotions and
put on some other emotions. Concealment also includes transformation of one emotion
to another either deliberately, or warranted and/or instigated by the progress
of situations. The facility to conceal and transform emotions indicates to us
that there are, indeed, two categories of emotion-one category consisting of emotions
natural in some sense including both the universal and culture-bound aspects of
emotions, and another category consisting of emotions deliberated, based on individual
Also note that the purpose of concealment is manifold. Concealment
may be due to demands made on individuals by the socialization processes. This
comes under the first category of emotions. There could be concealment for purposes
of prevarication caused by individual's motives, and the conditions of predicament,
etc., in which the individuals are placed. There could be concealment for the
sake of self preservation. These and similar types of concealment belong to the
second category of emotions listed above. There could also be concealment in both
the categories of emotions., the major purpose of which could be accentuated revelation
of the intensity of emotions attempted to be concealed.
Revelation through
concealment is an area that has been greatly explored in literary arts including
painting and sculpture. But this area has been practically left out in empirical
investigations of nonverbal communication. Empirical research tends to look for
sites where the concealed information may find an outlet. This is based on the
assumptions that concealed information is bound to find out an outlet, revelation
of what is concealed through certain physical sites. Ekman and Friesen (1969)
utilizes the concept of channel capacity to explore the sites of revelation. Channel
capacity is defined as the amount of information a communication medium can transmit
per unit time. In this regard facial cues are rated highest, then hand, and finally
the feet/legs. Ekman and Friesen's hypothesis is that the areas of the body with
lower channel capacity are more informative about deception. Specifically then,
when a person is deceitful his feet/legs should be the most informative about
the affect he conceals, then his hands, and finally his face (Mehrabian, 1972).
One is tempted to use these results for finding out "real truth" is
identified in this manner; but many a time such applications are misplaced, since
cultural factors may intervene and lead on to a misreading of the behaviour of
the accused. At another level, one should realize that prevarication and concealment
of truth are made possible because of the inherent characteristics of the communicative
media, both verbal and nonverbal, on the one hand, and by the determination of
individuals to conceal " truth" based on intense motivation. So, a complete
dependence, a sole dependence, on the indicators of "truth" should be
3.14. Social Factors and
Facial Expressions
Innocence, cunning, cleverness,
foolishness are all related to facial expressions in most societies. Humility,
arrogance, pride, and hatred are also related to facial expressions. Expressions
such as "milky face" indicate innocence coupled with tender age. A child's
face is viewed as full of innocence and a villain's face is viewed as full of
cunning. One distinguishes between a "rural" face from an "urban"
one, an "educated" from an "uneducated" face, a "kind"
face from a "cruel" one, a merciful and/or blissful face from a plain
face, and so on. Matters such as these have not been investigated empirically.
They have not been related to structure of the face in objective terms. It will
be interesting to list the features of face one considers relevant to characterise
the face as one of cunning or innocence or of loving nature, etc., in arriving
at values attached to the faces and facial expressions. There appears to be some
study of facial muscles, their concentration and movement in addition to the overall
organization. Faces and facial expressions also reveal socioeconomic status of
individuals involved in face to face communication. These elements are also not
empirically identified. We give below certain variables that one considers in
judging whether a face is a face of innocence or a face of cunning or hatred,
within the context of communication using Tamil.
1) Absence of a moustache,
2) Age below 20 and above 50,
3) Fair complexion,
4) The structure of
5) The structure of eye,
6) Non-deformity, blemishless face,
7) Wrinkles of forehead,
8) Lustre/glow in the facial skin,
9) Smile on
lips and eyes,
10) Lack of idiosyncratic movements of eye/nose/lips and tongue,
11) The arrangement of teeth.
These and other features cannot be
ordered into a hierarchy. They operate in an interlinking manner simultaneously.
The assumed social and economic status as well as the antecedents of the individual
whose face is being judged will also influence the assessment.
To conclude,
one may point out that the study of face in communication, just as the study of
eye in communication, could be looked at from three levels. In the first level
we have the study of the structure of face as an anatomical feature. In the second
level we can study face from the point of view of the constraints and facilities
offered by face as an anatomical unit. At the third level we may investigate the
use of face in communication from the social and interpersonal points of view
as opposed to its study purely at the individual level. The use of face is constrained
and facilitated by socialization processes in every society. In addition the individuals
also bring to bear upon the processes of communication their own personal characteristics
and styles. Also facial expressions for specified contents could form part of
the overall influences in fashions. In addition, facial expressions for a specific
content could vary not only from age to age of an individual's life but also across
different historical periods. These matters have not yet been investigated in
any depth.