Mark is the score obtained by a student in an examination or a test. It is of two types :
1) Absolute mark (awarded in percentage, e.g., 75%) is
independent of other students' marks.
2) Relative mark (awarded in letter grade, e.g., A, B, C, etc.)
Is in relation to that of his peers.Marker Reliability is also known as Reader Reliability. It is one of the methods used to obtain independent measurements needed for estimating test reliability. It is a correlation among the multiple sets of ratings for a single set of students examination papers. A coefficient of this reliability indicates how closely two or more markers (examiners) agree in rating the same set of examination papers.
Marking system is one that explains various methods of awarding marks to the examinees (on the basis of their achievement) and describes what each mark is intended to mean, for various purposes. [Also see, Analytic Scoring].
Mastery Test intends to indicate whether or not the examinee has achieved enough to satisfy the minimum requirements of the teacher or the board. It is not intended to indicate how much he has achieved in relation to his peers. These tests usually consist of items with low difficulty level and provides longer time to the examinees for completing their response. The general expectation is that the performance of all the examinees is perfect on mastery tests. {Also see, Criterion Referenced Test}.
Matched Groups-Procedure [See, Groups-Equivalent Measure].
Matching Item is one of the selection type questions. It usually consists of two lists of symbols, words, phrases or statements and requires the examinee to match the items of the first list with those of the second list appropriately. Sometimes, the number of items listed in the second list is more than that of the first list. This would help reduce the guessing probability.
Maturity Rating is the rating of a person's activities which falls below or above the norm for his age or group in which he is classified. Maturity ratings are mostly made on a complex dimension of social adjustment which is an important non-scholastic aspects of learner's growth.
Maximum is the greatest number or the highest point reached. It usually refers to the highest possible score (quantity) attained by an examinee in the area of evaluation. It also refers to the highest point on the frequency curve of a distribution of scores. A function, series or curve can have several maxima. [Ant.: Minimum].
Mean is one of the measures of central tendency. It is the average numerical value of a set of scores and is obtained by adding all the scores and dividing the sum by the total number of scores. [Also see, Average].
Mean Ability Index (MT) is one of the four important measures of question indices and is concerned with the ability of the group of students attempting a particular question. It is equal to the mean of their total marks. The other three indices are: Choice Index (CI), Facility Value (FV) and Discrimination Index (DI). These measures are useful to determine the suitability of the tests with reference to the test takers. [Also see, Question Index].
Measure refers to any result obtained by measurement. It would also refer to any quantification of a variable, including determination of presence or absence; a value or score. A unit or standard used in a measurement is sometimes, referred to as a measure.
Measure of Equivalence refers to the equivalent forms estimate of reliability. It is obtained by administering two forms of a test (with equal contents, means, variances) to the same group of individuals on the same day and correlating these results.
Measures of Stability [See, Test-Retest Reliability].
Measurement is the process of assigning numbers to each of the members of a set of objects or group of persons in order to indicate differences among them in terms of their degree of achievement or characteristics being measured. In wider sense, it is a measurement to determine the presence or absence of a property without further quantification. Even the assignment to a qualitative series can be interpreted as a measurement in this sense. Measurement is also distinguished from enumeration, the counting of discrete items. It is the preferable term when tests are used (objective measures), whereas evaluation is appropriate when subjective judgement are involved. [Syn.: Evaluation].
Measures of Internal Consistency refer to the test reliability measures, requiring data from two testing sessions. However, (as it is not possible every time, the same can also be obtained from only one set of test data. Except that of Split-Halves, all other methods of estimation, viz., Kuder-Richardson 20 and 21, scorer reliability, comparison of methods, etc., are actually indices of homogeneity of items or the degree to which item responses correlate with the total test score.
Mechanical Aptitude Test is one which is designed to measure the potentiality to handle the tools, machinery and other mechanical devices.
Mechanism is the fourth one among the seven hierarchical levels of psychomotor behaviours as mentioned in the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. It involves some patterning in carrying out the task acquired through guided response. As this is an educational objective, the acquisition of which requires evaluation.
Median is one of the measures of central tendency. This is a central point in a score distribution arranged in sequence and divides the distribution into two parts consisting equal number of scores. In a even numbered distribution, it is obtained by finding the average of two scores occurred in the middle. For example, if there are 11 scores, the 6th score will be the median and if there are only 10 scores, the average of 5th and 6th scores will be the median.
Memorization/Memorizing is one of the basic learning activities that would help acquire comprehension ability. It would also improve there call of vocabulary and ideas. 'Memorization' is used for the abstract process, whereas 'Memorizing' is for a particular instance or activity. Composition type of tests may be used to assess and monitor the process of memorization.
Memory is a kind of retention skill that helps reviving the past experience with definite realization of the present. The four distinct stages of Memory :
1) Memorizing or learning,
2) Retention,
3) Recall, and
4) Recognition.
[Also see, Memorization].Mental Age - a person's mental age is his score on a test of mental ability expressed in terms of the chronological age of persons whose average test score is the same as his {Ebel, 1979, p.377}.
Merit Ranking [See, Ranking].
Merit Rating is an appraisal of a individual's work record for a specified period. It often includes evaluatory statements about his personality, suitability to the job and capacity for further growth, etc. Specially prepared questionnaires may be used for such a rating in the educational institutions. [Syn.: Performance Appraisal, Progressive Report].
Minimal Cue is the smallest aspect of a situation that can elicit or modify a response.
Mode-1 is one of the measures of central tendency. It is the most frequently occurring value in a frequency distribution (i.e., the highest point in a frequency distribution curve). Sometimes, there might be two modes in the same distribution. Such irregular distributions are called bimodal or polymodal distributions. [Also see, Bimodal Distribution, Kurtosis].
Mode-2 refers to the testing mode, viz., oral or written.
Monitoring is the process of regulating and controlling the implementation of a programme/project. It includes an inbuilt system of evaluation at every stage to check the implementation process expected to take place along a predetermined course of action. The main purpose of monitoring is, in a way, to diagnose the problem areas requiring closer examination. [Also see, Concurrent Evaluation].
Mood refers to the emotional state or outlook of a person at a particular moment. It is one of the affective qualities which tends to fluctuate from time to time depending on the physical state and environment. It has its reflection in the non-scholastic aspects of a student's growth. It can be visualized by using the observation and inventory techniques.
Morale refers to the moral or mental condition of a person or group with respect to cheerfulness, confidence, etc., reflecting the emotional integration. It has a role in developing the cognitive abilities and affective qualities. Value scales, observation, discussion, etc., are some of the techniques through which one can measure this value (morale) of an individual or group.
Motive refers to something that prompts a person to act towards a goal. This is also one of the affective qualities developed over a period of time by an individual. It can be measured by using the techniques of direct questioning, observation, checklist, interview, 'guess-who' technique, biographical, inventory, situational tests and fieldwork.
M's - The 3 M's refers to the classification of language assessment criteria, as advocated by Carroll and Hall (1985, p.92), in terms of three priority levels, viz., Macro-, Meta-, and Micro-.
Macro-level is concerned with the communicative value of the test response. In view of its effectiveness in achieving the desired purpose over-riding priority has been given to this level.
Meta-level is concerned with the structure of a text, viz., the logical sequence, the cohesion of the text, the strategies of correspondence, the stylistic appropriateness.
Micro-level is concerning the accuracy or acceptability of the language patterns used within the sentence, viz., the actual words, graphic and pronunciation conventions or grammatical patterns follow accepted usage. These features contribute to the overall value of the message.
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) is an objective test item. It has two parts of which one is 'stem' and the other is a group of options. The 'stem' may be of a direct question or an incomplete statement to be answered or completed. The options part may consist of a set of three or more abbreviate/options of which one will usually be the correct answer or key. As it involves the selection of a correct answer, it is classified under 'selection type' items. [Also see, Selection Type Question/Item].
Multiple Correlation and Regression are the statistical procedures which are used to combine overlapping relationships to form a non-redundant composite (correlation) and to predict a dependent variable with multiple independent variables (regression) [Henning, 1987].
Multiple Facet Item is a combination of a number of items given one below the other relating to various aspects of a same theme presented as material, picture or diagram or a combination of these. A series of multiple choice questions will enable examining multiple knowledge about a single topic. Multiple abilities about the same topic can also be tested. Reading comprehension test consisting a number of MCQs would be an example of this type.
Multi-stage Test is one of the computer adaptive tests (Tailored test). The purpose of administering a test consisting two or more stages is to minimize the number of items needed for accurate decisions. On the basis of the performance in the first stage test, a decision will be taken and that would determine which of the several tests of varying difficulty will be administered during the second stage. This procedure will be continued for the subsequent stages.
Multitrait-Multimethod Validation is one of the techniques used for determining construct validity. It involves simultaneous comparison of correlations among two or more traits under various methodological conditions.
Multivariate Test is a statistical procedure used for discovering difference between groups of variables/tests.