Teaching and Learning of Idiomatic Expressions and Multi-word Verbs of English in The Context of Sudan
1. Preliminary Year a. First Semester English 101: General English 6 weekly hours b. Second Semester English 102: General English 6 weekly hours 2. Second Year a. First Semester English 201: English in Context 3 weekly hours English 203: Introduction to Literary Appreciation 3 weekly hours b. Second Semester English 202: Advanced Composition 3 weekly hours English 204: Introduction to Drama 3 weekly hours 3. Third Year a. First Semester English 301: The phonology of English I 3 weekly hours English 303: Syntactic Analysis I 3 weekly hours English 305: Romantic and Victorian Literature 4 weekly hours b. Second Semester English 302: Shakespeare 3 weekly hours English 304: 19th Century American Literature 3 weekly hours English 306: Varieties of English & Levels of Usage 3 weekly hours 4. Fourth Year a. First Semester English 401: African Literature 3 weekly hours English 403: Twentieth Century British Literature 3 weekly hours English 407: TEFL 4 weekly hours b. Second Semester English 402: the Phonology of English II 3 weekly hours English 404: Syntactic Analysis II 3 weekly hours English: Twentieth Century American Literature 3 weekly hours English 408: Translation 3 weekly hours 5. Fifth Year a. First Semester English 501: Dissertation on Language 5 weekly hours English 503: Dissertation on Literature 5 weekly hours English ___: Research Methods 5 weekly hours English 505: Modern Theories of Syntax I 3 weekly hours English 507: History of Literary Criticism 5 weekly hours English 509: Contrastive and Error Analysis 5 weekly hours English 511: Modernism 5 weekly hours b. Second Semester English 502: Semantics of English 5 weekly hours English 504: Special Author, Period of Genre 3 weekly hours English 506: Modern Theories of Syntax II 5 weekly hours English 508: 17th Century Literature 1600-1680 5 weekly hours English 510: Special Topic in Language 5 weekly hours English 512: Eighteenth Century Literature 5 weekly hours APPENDIX 1.b UNIVERSITY OF KHARTOUM FACULTY OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH SYLLABUS
FACULTY OF ARTS ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT SYLLABUS 2nd Year : 1. Basic Grammar (4 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Features of the English sentence, (Types of sentence, phrase structure, negative interrogative, passivization, ambiguity, gender, number, word classes, relativization, conjunctions). 2. Introduction to the ‘Phonology’ of English (3 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Sound discrimination, organs of speech, structure of English consonants, vowels and diphthongs, syllable structure, rhythm, intonation, stress and transcription. 3. Reading Strategies (3 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Selected Reading texts of various length and content for comprehension, basic reading techniques, inference and generating discussion. 4. Writing Practice (3 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Elements of simple writing: Punctuation, word classes (or parts of speech), the sentence, the question, linking ideas, planning and drafting, paragraphs; writing competently at the level of composition, summary and essay writing. 5. Communication Skills (2 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Building communicative abilities allowing the students to understand both spoken and written language of everyday’s use, besides raising questions/comments on given texts in the spoken and/a written mode. 6. Study Skills (2 hours) Examination Paper (1 hr) : 70% Class-work : 30% Statistical representation (including: interpretation of tables, charts, graphs, diagrams ‘various’), using the Dictionary, using the Library, extracting main ideas from a given text. 7. Literature in English (4 hours) Examination Paper (3 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% A) First Semester: 1) Introduction to literature ‘Poetry and Fiction’, 2) Proposed Texts; Short selected stories (British and others) and sonnets and poems. B) Second Semester: 1) Introduction Drama, 2) Proposed Text; Oedipus the King. 3rd Year : 1. Language Analysis (4 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% A detailed analysis of phrase structure, clause structure, nominalization, adjuncts, adverbials, embedding, verbal groups, voice/tense, auxiliaries, modals and modes. 2. Lexical Studies (3 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Semantic of the English Language, Synonyms, antonyms, antonyms, super and sub-orders, collocations, paraphrasing, embedding and clause. 3. Reading Strategies (3 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Organization of texts, inference, prediction, sequence of information, topic repetitions. 4. Writing Techniques (3 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Writing as an artifact, writing as a thinking process, length of sentences, paragraphing (set, planned and organized), Essay writing, Functional writing ‘various’ Technical, academic, expository writing. 5. Intensive Practice of Listening (2 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Intensifying the students’ ability to follow variety of spoken language: the news, meetings, formal and informal language, programmes, listening to lectures, radio, T.V. and Video Programmes. 6. English in Context (3 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% This course is an introduction to the concept of contextualisation in meanings, sounds, syntax and prosody. 7. Study Skills (2 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% a) Further practice on interpretation of graphs, tables, diagrams, charts etc. b) Further practice on using the library (Bibliography, citations, quotations, index), and c) using the dictionary, d) note-taking and e) an introduction to Research Methods. 8. Literature in English First Semester 1. Introduction to African Literature, Themes and Techniques. 2. Proposed Texts: a) Chinua Achebe; Things Fall Apart and b) Nguigwa Thiogo; The River Between Second Semester 1. An introduction to British Literature (the Victorian Novel) 2. Proposed Texts: Either; Jane Auston – Pride and Prejudice or Charles Dickens – Great Expectations or else; Emily Brontee – Wuthering Heights. 4th Year: 1. Language Study (3 hours) Examination Paper (1.5 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Diachronic and Synchronic study of Language, Behaviorism, Mentalism, Semiotics, Introduction to Psycho—and Socio-linguistics, the Natural Approach. 2. Traditional/Modern Grammar (3 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% A Study of traditional schools of Grammar in relation to modern ones and the Grammar in the classroom. 3. Text and Discourse Analysis (3 hours) Examination Paper (1.5 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Analysis of Discourse, rhetorical features ‘Pragmatics’, cohesion, omission, developing arguments and linguistic features of a text, spoken vs. written language. 4. Conversation Analysis (3 hours) Examination Paper (1.5 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% Analysis of varieties of conversations of different accents, settings and topics, Features of conversational analysis. 5. The Phonology of English (3 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% R.P. Local dialects, British/American English, Strong/weak forms, vowels, diphthongs, rhythm and rhyme. 6. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) : (3 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% An introduction to theories of teaching and learning: motivation, designing syllabus, evaluation etc. 7. Literature in English (4 hours) Examination Paper (2 hrs) : 70% Class-work : 30% First Semester 1. Introduction to the 17th and 18th Century Poetry. 2. Proposed Texts: Selected poems for each period from representative poets of the age. Second Semester 1. Introduction to the 20th century British Literature. 2. Proposed Texts: Either: D.H. Lawrence-Sons and Lovers; or; E.M. Forester – Passage To India 8. Research Methods (2 hours) A dissertation of 5,000 – 10,000 words. An explanation and practice of research methods, topic, sources, information, data collection and analysis, bibliographies, indices, appendices etc. APPENDIX 1.d OMDURMAN ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ARTS DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH ENGLISH SYLLABUS First Year 1. Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary in Context (4 hrs/week) 2. Writing, Summary and Grammar (4 hrs/week) 3. Introduction to Old English Literature (2 hrs/week) 4. Introduction to Novel and short Story (2 hrs/week) 5. Introduction to Drama (2 hrs/week) 6. Phonetics (2 hrs/week) Second Year 1. Comprehension, Summary, Analysis and Traditional Grammar (4 hrs/week) 2. Advanced Composition (2 hrs/week) 3. Introduction to Linguistics (2 hrs/week) 4. Introduction to Phonology (2 hrs/week) 5. Introduction to 19th Century Novel (2 hrs/week) 6. Introduction to 19th Century Drama (2 hrs/week) 7. Introduction to 19th Century Poetry (2 hrs/week) 8. Islamic Culture (2 hrs/week) 9. Translation (2 hrs/week) 10. Topics for Debates (2 hrs/week) Third Year 1. Style and Usage 2. Syntactic Analysis 3. The Phonology of English 4. Advanced Linguistics 5. Romantic an Victorian Literature 6. Nineteenth Century American Literature 7. Shakespeare 8. Islamic Culture 9. Literary Criticism 10. Translation NB: All courses are 2 hour courses/week Fourth Year 1. Syntactic Analysis 2. The Phonology of English 3. Linguistics 4. History of English Language 5. African Literature 6. Twentieth Century American Literature 7. Twentieth Century British Literature 8. Research Methods 9. Teaching and Learning of English 10. Comparative Literature 11. Translation NB: All courses are 2 hour courses/week Fifth Year 1. English Language Teaching 2. Advanced Linguistics 3. Language and Society 4. Modern Literature 5. Research Methods 6. Advanced Arabic 7. Islamic Studies APPENDIX 1.e ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF OMDURMAN FACULTY OF EDUCATION ENGLISH DEPARTMENT ENGLISH LANGUAGE CURRICULUM