AUTHORS ARE DEEPLY grateful to Dr. D.P. Pattanayak, the Director, C.I.I.L., who
has been the constant source of inspiration and guidance for all the academic
work in C.I.I.L.
are due to Dr. C.H.K. Misra, (then Deputy Director, C.I.I.L.) who supervised the
first two studies. Grateful thanks are due to Dr. E. Annamalai, Deputy Director,
C.I.I.L., who provided expert guidance at every step in finalizing the first report,
and without whose sincere help it would not have been possible to complete this
report in this form.
thanks are due to Mrs. J. Sakuntala Sharma, Research Officer, C.I.I.L., who extended
her help at all stages of the first two studies by giving her valuable suggestions.
authors will be failing in duty if they do not express their heart-felt gratitude
to the various Headmasters/Headmistresses and students for their cooperation in
supplying the required information in a short time.
are thankful to Shri N.H. Itagi, Assistant Cartographer, C.I.I.L. for preparing
the drawings of the graphs and finally our thanks are also due to Shri H.L.N.
Bharati, Publications-in-Charge, C.I.I.L., for his immense care and help in bringing
out this publication in an attractive form. The other staff of the Institute who
helped in the third study are mentioned at the end of the third report.