Konyak Orthography 
Next     The others.  No particular term was used to identify this type because different markers are used to subordinate a main clause.  Therefore no particular term could be suitable for this.  The following markers are used in this function.

i.     (kɨ)ma  :  ‘If’ ma is the short form of kɨma.  This marker is placed at the end of the clause to be converted into a subordinate clause.  When a subordinate clause occurs, a main clause follows it, eg. :

e soŋe pəy kɨma*/ya tayne ókha? sɨpu

            1    2     3       4      5      6

            ‘if he had come early/she could have gone’

             4  1            3       2      5       6

            nàŋ təw ki?e è kima/nàŋ patne yɨók

              1      2      3          4      5       6

            ‘if you read like that you cannot pass’

             4   1      3      3      2     5      6

*The subordinator is italicized for each identification.      

           The ‘if’clauses are of ‘cause-effect’ type semantically, the subordinate clauses states the ‘cause’ and the ain clause the status (resultant) effect.

            This marker can take a negative marker yɨ- prefixing to it.  Then it requires another bound element si to be added immediately before itself and after ; i.e., it will be yɨ-sɨ-kɨma   yɨsɨkɨma eg. :

            ŋɨn epha yɨsɨkɨma nàŋə yàkha?lək

              1      2          3           4        5

            ‘return the money if not (otherwise) you will get beating’

                2                1      3                            4      5


            It may be noted here that either yɨkɨma are possible.  There is one more form which is used in this function.  It is phaŋ.  It  is a free varient of kɨma.  But phaŋ is not used frequently, eg. :

1.         təwə cəm yɨsùt si?  Phaŋ/toyə yɨlɨŋ ha? sɨpu

              1        2       3              4      5       6

            ‘If I had not sat upon/(1) would not have done the work’

              4 1               3    2                             6                       5

2.         e əphəy ŋo?si? phaŋ/sɨməy ha? sɨpu

            1    2  3      4         5        6

            ‘if he were with me (it) would have been better’

             5   1     4       5      2                         6

3.         təwme təw ŋo?si? phaŋ/nàŋte cəm ha?sɨpu

               1         2      3          4        5               6

            ‘If I am there you will have help’

              4 2  3      1      5                    6


            2.  cɨŋne  ‘because’ :  This marker is also placed at the end of the clause to be subordinated, eg. :

            iman yɨp  əypu/cɨŋne/təwə yaha?

              1               2       3          4       5

            ‘because they did not come / I did not eat’

                  3          1           2              4             5

            e taŋta məypu cɨŋne/ e tayne ók

            1            2   3        4     5     6

            ‘because of his good health / he could go’

                   4            1              2         5     6

            áŋpae lɨŋtəw?se iman tòŋ cɨŋne / ka?talannə ka?me toy lɨŋeŋo?

              1               2           3      4        5            6              7               8

            ‘because the king asked them to work /people were working in the field’

                  5                1      4             3       2        6                    8                    7

            etakpu ciŋn / e tayne yɨók

                1  2    3      4     5

            ‘because of his sickness he could not go’

                  3             1         2       4            5

            e ku?pu cɨŋne /toy

            1     2         3       4

            ‘he was killed for robbery’

              1             4      3      2