Improving Language Skills in the Mother tongue


Questionnaire for Facilitating the Selection of Passages

1. Name …

2. Qualification …

3. Name of the college in which working:

4. Experience in teaching as:
(a) A Reader ……. 
(b) A Lecturer …….. 
(c) A Teacher …….. 

5. Teaching experience - through Kannada medium :
(a) High school level …….. 
(b) College level …….. 

6. The subject or subjects you teach for P.U.C.
in Kannada medium:


7. The books you generally refer to teach
the subject or subjects:

A. In Kannada version :

Sl.No. Name of the Book Author

1. …………………………………..       ……………………….
2. …………………………………..       ……………………….
3. …………………………………..       ……………………….
4. …………………………………..        ……………………….
5. …………………………………..         ……………………….

B. In English version

Sl.No. Name of the Book Author

1. ………………………………….         ……………………….
2. …………………………………..       ……………………….
3. …………………………………..     ……………………….
4. …………………………………..      ……………………….
5. …………………………………..       ……………………….

8. The books you recommend for pupils for their reference work.

A. In Kannada version :

Sl.No. Name of the Book Author

1. …………………………………..        ……………………….
2. …………………………………..         ……………………….
3. …………………………………..          ……………………….
4. …………………………………..          ……………………….
5. …………………………………..           ……………………….

B. In English version

Sl.No. Name of the Book Author

1. …………………………………..       ……………………….
2. …………………………………..       ……………………….
3. …………………………………..        ……………………….
4. …………………………………..        ……………………….
5. …………………………………..         ……………………….

9. Do you think the books in Kannada version are sufficient in your subject/subjects to make the pupil well versed with the content (syllabus) prescribed by the University? Yes/No (Kindly tick)

If 'No' please point out which portion of the content is insufficiently dealt with. (with respect to Kannada version books only)

10. Do you think some more books have to be translated from English to Kannada or/and original books should be written to cope with the general standards? Yes/No (Kindly tick)

If 'Yes' kindly list the books and author' names-which you think worth translating into Kannada.
Sl.No. Name of the Book Author
1. ………………………………….      . ……………………….
2. …………………………………..     ……………………….
3. …………………………………..      ……………………….

11. Below is a list of difficulties which are generally felt by the teachers who teach through Kannada medium. If you have experienced and/or experiencing these difficulties kindly tick them. (Tick as many as you can)

(a) Lack of good textbooks
(b) Lack of technical terms
(c) Use of different technical words at different parts of the State.
(d) Lack of good dictionaries, lexicons, idioms and reference books in Kannada to assist in assigning proper expression and style in Kannada.
(e) Other difficulties if any.

12. Do you think that the following are some reasons for Kannada medium not being preferred by pupils at College level? (Tick as many as you can)

(a) It hinders their progress in life
(b) Due to superiority complex
(c) There are no competent teachers at College level to teach through Kannada medium
(d) There are no good textbooks in Kannada version
(e) There are no good reference materials in Kannada version
(f) Any other reasons

13. Below is a list of difficulties which are generally experienced by pupils. (If you have observed among your pupils the following difficulties kindly tick them)

(a) Difficulty to express 'orally' in Kannada when some new ideas are involved.
(b) Difficulty to express in 'writing' due to lack of control over vocabulary in Kannada
(c) Difficulty to take notes during lecture periods
(d) Difficulty while writing answers
(e) Difficulty in the application of knowledge gained.
(f) Difficulty in understanding (comprehending) the ideas through Kannada medium.
(g) Other difficulties if any.

14. Do you think a short orientation workshop (in Kannada skills) will help the teachers/lecturers who are teaching P.U.C. students through the medium of Kannada, to teach more effectively? (Yes/No). If 'Yes', kindly give your suggestions regarding the nature of the course.

15. Any other observations you want to make about teaching through Kannada medium. Please list them.